Looking to Move to Your First Property?
Exciting Time to Buy A New Home
So you buy a new home and now you have a date to move – and you must be buzzing with excitement!
The purchase of your first home is truly momentous and one that often heralds in a new chapter in your life. Your new home could be where you hope to bring up your family or you could be moving to a different area for work. Either way buying a home for the first time promises a fresh start with new opportunities, but the process of moving home is in itself a challenge which you need to plan for carefully in advance and can be scary.
Not sure where to begin? Let us help you get started.
Planning Your House Move
If you are moving for the first time or a current homeowner and planning a move to a new home, Homebase have prepared a step-by-step guide to moving house that will help you make your move smooth and stress-free.
Our guide covers everything from picking the right removals company or packing firm, taking out insurance on your belongings to the art of good packing and getting your paperwork organised.
Getting Packed Before Your Move
Of course you will need to leave your current residence first before you can enjoy your new home. With the Homebase guide you will find useful tips on moving house such as the do’s and don’ts of packing sensibly. Most of us hoard toomany things,so getting rid of stuff you don’t needis a good start. You’ll find out methods of packing well-labelled boxes that make it easier for you tofind and unpack when you finally get to move to a new home.
Before You Move Into Your New Home
Before you move your furniture and belongings it is worth giving some thought to the condition of your future home, does it need a lick of paint or a new boiler? For further assistance on making the transition smooth, Homebase have put together a detailed downloadable checklist for moving house with a handy timeline which will ensure you tick off these options as you approach your magic move date.
If you are about to buy or nearing completion of the purchase of your new home and beginning to feel the buzz of moving to your future home, remember you are not alone with Homebase. Check out our guide to moving house and we will walk you through all the steps you need to make your move a happy one.