Equity mortgage release –pensioner’s ultimate financial solution
All of us need adequate amount of fund so as to meet with our requirements. Retirees are entitled to regular pension, but the amount is too meager to cater to all the needs of the post retirement phase. Equity release is a financial solution to the problem, thereby adding to the comfort level of the retirees. Equity mortgage release ensures the pensioners a steady flow of income against the assets own by the retiree.
Eligibility criteria for availing the benefits of Equity mortgage release
If you meet with the eligibility criteria you can very well apply for the mortgage release scheme. Benefits of this equity release scheme are:
Equity mortgage release is a profitable business benefiting the lender as well as the receiver. Equity mortgage release can be categorized as:
There are certain nuances which guide the functioning of the lending institutions. Senior citizens sometimes are not aware of the fact as to how equity is being calculated based on their property. The institutions which offer loan against individual property often provide their prospective customers with equity release calculator. Equity release calculator helps you l to calculate the releasable amount which you are going to receive, against the valuation of your residential property.