Fun Ways to Grow Your Email List

Email marketing is a great (and inexpensive) way to grow your business contacts and, hopefully, customer base.  Not only can you keep in touch with existing customers with your established list, but you can reach out to potential leads.

To get the most out of email marketing, here are a few tips to expand your list while also having some fun:

* Contests and giveaways.  Who doesn’t want the chance to win something?  The rush of winning makes it easy for you to convince people to provide their contact info, or sign up for your newsletters.  This can be done at in-person event using registration cards, or online using web forms.

* Special Deals. Promising coupons, discounts, or special sales can be a great motivator for people to sign up for you email list.  They will begin to look forward to all your messages, hoping to receive a great special deal. Starting a loyalty program for e-club members only can also be a great way to get more sign ups.

* Social media platforms. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are a few examples of the most popular platforms, but there are numerous other social media outlets available today. Social media accounts can be very valuable resources for attracting new prospects and collecting personal info to build your list. Social media analysis allows you to connect directly with existing customers and new leads that have an interest in you. Be sure to provide links to all your social media monitoring sites on your website’s home page and your email marketing messages.

While these are different and entertaining ways to hopefully add to your contact list, don’t forget about these more traditional methods:

– Web visitors. Don’t forget to have an E-mail Subscribe form on your website, in a prominent location.  In the footer is a good choice so visitors can see it from any page.

-Sharing. Every piece of email correspondence you already send should give the reader a chance to share.  A simple “Forward to a Friend” link can be a reminder to your readers that their friends may be interested in your newsletter too!  Because of forwards, be sure to provide a Opt-in or a Subscribe link somewhere within your email marketing platform as well.

These are only a few suggestions on how to reach new prospects, feel free to be creative and come up with new ideas of your own!

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