Turquoise The Blue Stone Of Intrigue And Desire
Turquoise the Blue Stone of Intrigue and Desire
Turquoise – A stone that has a unique and mystical attraction.
What come to mind when you hear the word Turquoise? Most of use probably let our thoughts speed off to the Southwest and Indian Country. It does seem to be a fact that most turquoise is found in arid climates and where copper is found.
It is know wonder then that the important turquoise states are Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado. Some more expensive turquoise comes from Iran and Tibet, where in most cases the matrix is black. The USA matrix is usually brown to white. Another location on earth of quality turquoise is Chuquicamata, Chile.
Some Scientific Facts that you may or may not be interested in:
The environment in most cases is a secondary near surface mineral, forming veins in weathering copper and alumina-rich rocks of desert regions. If you are a scientist at heart you probably already know that the chemical composition is: Turquoise – CuA1-6(PO-4)4(OH)8-4H20
Ok, now on to another aspect of the Blue Stone:
Turquoise Its Healing and Spiritual Properties.
There are those who believe that many stones have energy properties to them. It’s not my thing since my wife and I are believers in Jesus Christ and Jehovah God.
Their beliefs are that the turquoise with the black lines in them are called Navajo turquoise and help you to stay in a state of love and connectedness with others. Thus making you feel at home no matter where you are. Another feature of the stone is that it supposedly draws out negative vibrations from a person by placing the turquoise under your feet. This dissipates negative energy by drawing it from the body.
One of the Native American Legends of Turquoise:
When the Rains came the Native American Indians danced and rejoiced. Their tears of joy mixed with the rain soaking into mother earth to become the SkyStone – Turquoise.
The sky stone – turquoise has been cherished by the Native American Indians for its beauty and imagined spiritual and life giving powers for thousands of years.
One of the longest lasting marriages of stone and metal is the joining of Turquoise to Sterling Silver and this marriage has been mastered by the Navajo Silversmiths. It is believed that this art began in the late 1880’s in the Four Corners region or Dinetah area to the Navajo. Turquoise is not the only stone used by the Navajo silversmiths. The Navajo love color so you are likely to find red Coral, purple Sugilite, dark blue Lapis, green Malachite and many other beautiful combinations.
We hope you enjoyed this brief article of turquoise and the Navajo. To enjoy some of their works of art we invite you to visit the links below.
The Best to All,
Larry & Gerry Foss
Wolf Heart Turquoise Jewelry USA