Whey protein powders for women – which is the best?
While so many women are interested in losing weight, there are some who have the dire need to put on weight. There are several products containing whey protein women can use to address weight loss following a sickness which caused their bodies to become emaciated, to achieve a good body mass index, and the major reason i.e. for sports needs especially in bodybuilding and weightlifting. Women will find that the market has plenty of whey protein powders to choose from and hence there it is imperative that some research de done first so as to end up with the right products.
Whey protein powders for women come in three main forms, the concentrates, the isolates, and a combination of isolates and concentrates. Whey concentrate is the less expensive option and this is because it contains lactose and fats. There however is an issue with concentrate whey protein women dislike. This is attributed to the presence of lactose which causes bloating and gas issues especially for the lactose-intolerant. Still, whey concentrate is a great way to gain weight because of its high protein content.
Isolated whey products on the other hand are the purest form of whey protein because they have about 93% pure protein with minute or no lactose or fats. This is the type of whey protein women prefer because in comparison to concentrates it promotes better metabolic rates, satiety, lean muscle mass and natural energy, and prevention of osteoporosis. It is also loved because it is easily digestible and that it is easily processed by the liver. This means that isolated whey protein powders are suitable for pre and post workout i.e. they promote energy before workouts and repair of muscles after resistance training. It also does not interfere with hormone levels, a characteristic noted in other forms of protein supplement and especially the soy type.
With isolated whey protein women experience increase in strength and this is felt because it augments the muscles. There are also other factors which suggest that women supplementing with whey protein powders are at a lower risk of contracting breast cancer. This is because whey protein contains immunoglobulin, lactoferrin, lactoglobulin, lactalbumin and glutamine – an important amino acid required in promoting a healthy immune system.
There is another factor leucine, a recently discovered amino acid which plays a vital role in initiating early cellular processes that are required for protein synthesis. The content of leucine in whey is higher than in any other source of protein. When shopping for whey protein women should go for a product that has high protein content – (91-93%) is okay, zero fat, zero ion exchange, and less than 0.5g lactose.
For more information about Whey Protein Isolate please visit our site www.musclefeast.com