Home Remedies for Cats and Dogs with Ear Mites
If you notice your dog or cat is scratching at its ears, shaking its head and its ears don’t smell too great, chances are your pet has ear mites. You can get rid of ear mites through some natural home remedies, or with medicine from the vet.
Ear mites are parasites which live off the bodily fluids of your pet. As the name implies, ear mites prefer residing in the ears. Ear mites resemble the look of coffee grounds or red, brown and black dirt. The inside of the ear will also look red and a little inflamed. You cannot see the ear mite with the naked eye.
Pets get ear mites due to poor hygiene and dirty surroundings. They are contagious with respect to other animals. If you insist that your pet is kept very clean and lives in pristine conditions, it is possible that the ear mites were caused by being around another animal who has ear mites, or your pet has exceptionally long, floppy ears which are especially susceptible to ear mite infestation.
It certainly is important to keep your and your pet’s surroundings as clean as possible and regular bathe your pet. Keep all other pets in your home away from the infected one and wash those additional pets regularly as well. It is imperative that you take action to rid your pet of ear mites because allowing the ear mites to remain in your pet’s ears will lead to deafness.
If you have an infected cat, you can use mineral oil to get rid of the ear mites. Simply place drops in the infected ear or ears, which will loosen up crusty build up. You can then take a small cotton ball to wipe out the build up. However, if your cat’s ears are raw and inflamed, the best thing to do is take it to the vet to make sure there is not some other problem with your cat’s ears.
If your dog is infected with ear mites, make sure to wipe its ears on a daily basis. You can make a mixture of garlic and olive oil and then put some drops in each infected ear. If you do not notice any change after a few days and your dog’s ears are raw and inflamed, take the dog to the vet to see if your dog has some other ailment.
Visit Earmitesincats.Org for more articles and information on ear mites in cats, symptoms of ear mites in cats and treatment for ear mites in cats.