The Best Time Of Year For Fund Raisers
One of the best ways to increase your earnings with any fundraiser is to match the fundraiser with the season. For example, you may be selling magazines or books for a fundraiser. However, you may not be aware that there’s actually a better season for doing this type of fundraiser than others. This article will talk a little about seasons and what types of fundraisers you might do during those types of seasons.
Fall Is a Great Time of Year
If you’re trying to raise money for your school in the fall seasons this is truly the best time to be offering magazines and books. The reason is because people are indoors and thinking about having a nice book or magazine for reading material. If you were to make the mistake of offering the same type of charity fundraiser in the spring or summer time you would not have nearly the success. People are outdoors and not thinking about being cooped up and reading- So they’re not going to be in the market.
Summer Is Time to Be Outside
Holding some sort of a spring fair or a summertime festival at your church could be very profitable if done correctly. One of the keys to success during the summertime is to get county officials or other prominent people in your area involved in your fundraising project. One very popular fundraiser that is still profitable to this day is the good old water dunk tank. Get a couple of popular people in your area to be willing to sit in a dunk tank and you’ll be able to make some good profits.
Learn more on ideas for fundraising or easy fundraising.