5 Weight Loss Workouts You Can Do At Home

Remember the last weight loss program you were on? Things were advancing well for a length of time. Your weight was dropping off nicely and you could squeeze into that skin tight top you once looked so fantastic in 10 years ago. However you soon realized that your rate of weight loss was decreasing quickly and eventually stopped. You probably assumed that the only way to obtain your recommended weight was to starve yourself.

Many people think that by curbing their food consumption, it is enough. However the other critical element is working out. Sure you can lose some weight by dropping your calories but to really add some ‘Omph’, you need to sweat it out. Imagine a jet fighter which glides rather than tear through the skies. Dieting without exercising is only half the battle won. You need to include some weight loss workouts in your diet.

If you’ve read through some of our articles, I’m assuming you might be searching for some easy weight loss workouts to do as well. Well, you’re in luck. However by ‘easy’, I don’t mean expecting to lose by just doing finger or toe raises. You can do these exercises at home without needing any machinery or weights.

Push Ups
This is one exercise that can help you build good body strength. There are quite a few different ways that you can do a standard push up to work various muscle groups. If you do a push up with your palms further apart, it works more on your chest muscles. If you wish to push your triceps harder, make sure your hands are close together. To make it more challenging, you can elevate your feet on a chair. While performing push ups, keep your back-straight and don’t do the caterpillar. If you have difficulties doing a standard push up, try doing it with your knees on the floor for the time being.

It may seem easy to do until you try doing at a rapid tempo. Get into a squatting position. Kick out to a push up position. Kick back into a squat position. The final movement is to burst into a vertical leap as high as possible. And return to the starting position That’s 1 rep for you.

Rope Jumping
This was one activity most of us did for playtime when we were young. Try not to do this beneath a low ceiling with a fan or light above you. I speak from experience. There are several ways of jumping rope to spice things up. You can rope jump while alternating legs, with one leg, with both legs.

Time to strengthen up your core muscles. Your ab muscles play a crucial role when it comes to many activities. It acts as a stabilizer muscle and gives you more power to your movements. I like doing my crunches on an exercise mat. Bring your knees up till its bent at a 45 degree angle. Cup your ears and slowly exhale as you roll your shoulders forward. Continue till your shoulder blades are a few inches off the ground and then return back to your starting position. Aim to feel the contraction in your abs.

The Wall Squat
If you want a strong lower body, you need to throw in some squats in your workout. For muscle conditioning, your body weight is sufficient to make you scream in agony. With your back against a wall, slowly lower yourself till your thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold this position for a few seconds and return to your original position.

Some ways to up the intensity of this exercise :
1. You can hold weights in each hand to work your thighs harder.
2. Hold the parallel position for a longer time.
3. Don’t completely lock out your knees in the starting position so as to put constant tension on the legs.

There you go. Exercises that you can easily do at home and less chance of searching for an excuse for not going to the gym. Besides helping with your diet, exercising brings along a lot of other healthy benefits as well.
You can choose to do each exercise based on time or repetition. For example a minute of each or 10 reps of each.

Feel free to mix and match each exercise to keep your weight loss workouts fresh and interesting.

Trained as a dietitian and nutritionist, Kelly Kims has worked her way through hospitals and private clinics. She is an expert on nutritional therapy for weight loss, be it from weight loss exercises to very low calorie liquid diets, Kims offers practical weight management techniques for overweight and obese individuals and even women seeking to regain their figure after pregnancy. As an accredited sports dietitian, Kims also educates fitness and sports professionals on performance nutrition. Together with her partner, she runs a <a href="http://”>weight loss site that offers easy diets that work, exercise strategies and diet-friendly recipes.

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