Indemnity LTCI Plan, Who Needs It?

If you take time to study the buyers of long term care insurance (LTCI) policies you will realize that most of them prefer to have a disability model indemnity plan while only a handful has shown interest in a reimbursement LTCI policy.  Still, the latter always gets the most sales.

It’s true that more people purchase reimbursement policies only because it is more affordable than an indemnity plan.  When it comes to features, though, LTCI buyers prefer cash plans under indemnity policies as these pay the maximum benefit amount of a policyholder regardless of his actual cost on care.

Cash plans do not even require you to receive care in a nursing home or other LTC facilities that issue receipts after you’ve paid for the services that they have provided you.  It’s not like reimbursement policies that require proof before reimbursing you for your expenses on care.

Since you don’t have to present your insurer with official receipts prior to claiming your cash plan’s benefits, you have the freedom to receive care from family members right in the comforts of your home.  You can just pay them later once you’ve received a check from your insurer indicating your maximum daily benefit amount which is clearly stipulated in your cash indemnity policy.

Aside from using your benefits to pay loved ones who generously spent time and exerted effort to ensure your LTC needs are met, you can also allot a portion of your money to home and have the necessary security equipment installed to your home such as security shower grips, wheelchair ramps and lift, sturdy handrails, and others that you can think of.

Although a cash plan does not impose too many stringent rules which you need to comply with before you can receive your benefits, you have to need assistance in at least two activities of daily living (ADLs).  Either this or a certificate from your physician validating your need  for long term care (LTC) due to cognitive impairment which hinders you from functioning normally and making decisions.

How Much for a Disability Model Indemnity Plan?

Although ideal, a cash plan is not designed for everybody since it comes with a very high price tag.  Only individuals who can afford the premium for this type of LTCI policy without sacrificing their basic necessities are advised to consider this product.

Aside from receiving your benefits in full, a cash plan is expensive because it guarantees less paperwork so you don’t have to bother compiling nursing home receipts and medical records.  Most owners of this kind of LTCI policy do not use the entire amount of their benefits on their LTC needs, instead, they put away a certain amount for the future of their children.

Freedom to manage and control your LTCI benefits, that’s exactly what you’ll get from a disability model indemnity plan. If you want to maintain your independence especially in the financial area, perhaps this kind of plan is suitable for you.

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