I have some experience with buying the perfect handbag

It is of no doubt that Designer Handbags are a woman’s best friends when it comes to fashion or being fashionable. For each set of shoes, outfit, scarf, or nail color, there is a handbag that goes with it. Designers are creating new designer handbags just as fast as they are being brought in stores or online.
Some of the biggest names in the industry are Dooney & bourke, mulberry handbag, Marc Jacobs, Fendi, Burberry, Versace, LaTour Eiffel, Coach, Carlos Falchi, Lui, and many more. Whether you are looking for the most expensive handbag with that matching wallet or just something elegant, but not as high maintenance, you can practically find whatever you want in any handbag retail store or online handbag retail store.
As a man, I have some experience with buying the perfect handbag as I have shopped around a few times for my wife. The type of bags that I normally purchase are the ones with the cute designs, medium bucket type, long straps as the short straps are just too short to place under the arm and just don’t look that attractive on a woman.
Medium Bucket handbags are roomy and have long straps so that when a woman places the handbag on her shoulder to go into a store for example, she is not having to worry about getting a skin burn from the handbag rubbing under her arm when she walks.
Another attractive feature to medium bucket handbags are the many pockets that are attached to them as some even have belt buckle type straps, which screams sophistication. However, medium prada handbags are not for every occasion and would not look good when a woman is attending an evening event or social event. This is where the smaller more casual handbags come into play and when choosing the perfect small designer handbag, you want to say I am classy and sophisticated, but at the same time you want to demonstrate reservation as going to a public function with a lime green handbag says a lot of things, but not sophistication.
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