Advantages of email to fax
Nearly every self-respecting business these days knows the advantages of email to fax capabilities over traditional fax functionality. With accessibility, affordability, and virtual mobility, by taking phone technology towards the next level, this secure document transmission option bridges the gap between old and new technology. Given the premium people put in efficiency, it is not at all surprising that this certain incarnation of fax has gained traction.
This doesn’t mean, however, which you can completely free fax from its hardware trappings – at the moment, you can still find many people out there who hold on to those old fax machines. Internet-based faxing may be here, and it might be more convenient, but that does not necessarily translate to the complete an utter extinction of fax hardware.
How come? And shouldn’t they know better by now?
So Are Fax Machines Really Still Needed?
Maybe fax machines aren’t still necessary as much as they are still wanted by many people out there. Sure, there’s still some logic to having physical phone lines and devices for fax under some circumstances, but given the rate of communications progress, it is probable that those circumstances can be completely eliminated.
Why the Fax Machine is Still Alive
Regardless of how convenient most of the world might find e-mail to fax and its ilk, you may still find people out there who are much more comfortable with using the fax machine. It’s all a matter of context and preference: to them, the traditional fax device is actually easier to make use of compared to those new devices that other people are so excited to use. For them, personal computers, laptops, and smartphones are in fact more difficult than the fax machine, which is essentially a phone with a printer and a few extra buttons on it.
With all the different button sequences you need to handle to transmit and receive fax, that isn’t to say that faxing the traditional way isn’t complicated. But there are people out there who feel that booting up a computer or smartphone, connecting to the Internet, then accessing the relevant applications are clearly a few steps too many. And there isn’t even a guarantee that they can have a hard copy of the document!
In other words, for them, the fax machine is far more convenient – and not everybody is necessarily attached to an Internet-capable device at the hip.
Shouldn’t They Get with the Program Already?
You really shouldn’t expect to succeed in which makes them take a step forward by force if they couldn’t get you to take a step backward. Preferring to make use of the fax machine doesn’t automatically make a person impractical, or silly. For all you know, businesses and individuals that still use traditional fax devices have incredibly good reasons for not quite jumping on the internet fax phenomenon.
They may not be as “stuck” as you may think. Since they do not have dependable Internet connection (it still happens), they might not need to free fax from its machine trappings. They might want something more solid to work with, once they get a fax.
For them, the fax machine is still worth it.
Until then, at least e-mail to fax still enables you to send and receive documents to and from standard fax systems.
Learn more about email to fax articles and other valuable information on our website. Our free fax services supplies many communication advantages for your business. I suggest you know them and compare which phone system supplier that actually works better to match your company needs.