Most Preferred Software Testing Certifications of International Repute

Most Preferred Software Testing Certifications of International Repute

If you are an IT professional & active in software testing & Quality assurance domain, you must be certainly passionate to acquire some certification that is recognized worldwide & can boost your career many folds.

Now let understand as to what is a certification in software Testing?

The decision to acquire a certification is a gigantic step & a bold decision having long-term repercussions linked to the career growth of the person. The presence of a certification brands the person as someone having extra knowledge of the particular domain. A person with a certification certainly earns great respect from the friends, colleagues & managers. A person having many feathers of different certifications in his/her cap becomes eligible for quicker promotion or higher position with greater respect, responsibilities & authority.

Broad classifications of certifications related software testing: Generally certifications are of two broad categories;

1) Certifications associated with particular testing tool of some reputed brand.

2) Certification not associated with any tool as such, but related to software testing & QA in general.

Software Testing Tool based Certifications: Several automation tools of reputed brands are available in the market. The producers of these tools offer their own certifications to the users & developers.  Few famous tools having such certification exams are;

1) Rational Functional Tester commonly known as RFT from IBM: RFT allows us to automate the regression tests with an objective to ensure the changes made in the piece of software application have not introduced any more defects pointing to the loss of existing functionality.

RFT has been designed for use by testers, developers & all associated with the software development project team. IBM offers a world class certification for this tool having exam code IBM000-842.

Details of IBM RFT Certification & its Study Material

2) QuickTest Professional (QTP) from Hewlett-Packard: HP offers different levels of certifications related to the product QTP 11.0. The certification related to this software is called QTP certification on HP Functional testing software V 11.0 under exam code HPO-M47. The QTP certification exam is targeting functional testing engineers involved in the creation & development of automated test scripts with the help of QTP 11.0 software. QTP uses the new concept of keyword-driven testing with an objective of simplification of the process of test creation &  maintenance of test scripts.

Details of HP QTP 11.0 & its Study Material
3) Quality Center from Hewlett-Packard: QC 11.0 software an Application Lifecycle Management software meant for global application testing. The certification related to this software is called HP certification on HP Application Lifecycle Management software V 11.0 under exam code HPO-M46.

Likewise there are many more certifications for load Testing tools like LoadRunner from HP under the exam code HPO-M48 & Virtual Users Generator from HP under the exam code HPO-M49.
Details of HP QC 11.0 & its Study Material

General Certifications in Software Testing: Many International bodies offer different certifications to software testing engineers, test analysts & testing managers. Most prominent among them are the following

1) International Software Testing Qualifications Board commonly known as ISTQB: It is a Belgium based International body formed by software testing professionals from all over the world. ISTQB conducts multiple-choice exams to award different certifications.

a) Foundation Level ISTQB Certification: Name of this certification is “Certified Tester Foundation Level” (CTFL). This is an entry-level certification meant for people entering the field of testing and for experienced professionals desiring to move up the ladder of ISTQB certifications.

Foundation Level ISTQB Certification offers evidence that the certified person has a broad understanding of the key concepts & fundamental best practices of software testing.

b) Advanced Level ISTQB Certification: This is the intermediate level certification. Name of this certification is “Certified Tester Advanced Level” (CTAL).

Advanced Level Certification offers evidence that the certified person is a committed testing professional and has thorough understanding of key concepts & advanced best practices of software testing.

There are further sub divisions among the ISTQB Advanced level certifications like

a) Advanced Level Test Manager (CTAL TM)

b) Advanced Level Test Analyst  (CTAL TA)

c) Advanced Level Technical Test Analyst (CTAL TTA)

Details of ISTQB Foundation & Advanced Level Certifications & their Study Material
2) Information Systems Examination Body commonly known as ISEB: It is a qualifications wing of the British Computing Society. ISEB certifications are also similar to ISTQB with Foundation level certification as well as Practitioner level certifications that are similar to ISTQB advanced level certifications.
a) ISEB Foundation Certificate in Software Testing: At the entry-level, the foundation level certifications offered by ISTQB & ISEB are equivalent because the exams for both these certifications are based upon the same syllabus as prescribed by ISTQB.

b) ISEB Practitioner certificate: There are three types of advanced level practitioner certificates like

1) ISEB Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing
2) ISEB Practitioner in Test Analysis
3) ISEB Practitioner certificate in Test Management

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