Shouldn’t You Be Driving Hands Free?
If you happen to live in one of those states that has enacted hands free driving rules, then you know what trouble you could find yourself in if the authorities see you on the road with a phone held to your ear. While, you may be the best driver in town, but to avoid fines, you need to follow the laws, and the best way to do that is by using some kind of hands free device, or you risk getting caught. There are a few different types of devices around, but which one is right for you?
The reason laws have been enacted that prevent talking or texting on the phone is so that you are able to better focus your attention on what you are doing and what is happening on the road. That also means that you should have both hands on the wheel at all times. And by using a device that allows you to hear what the other party is saying without holding a phone up to your ear, you will be able to do so.
One of the most popular hands free devices these days is the Jupiter Jack, not only because it is really a fraction of the price of some of the others but also because it is truly portable. You don’t need any kind of special set-up in your car with the Jupiter Jack and you don’t even need a phone that has Bluetooth. Basically, if you have any kind of car with a FM stereo, you will have all you need to use your phone without your hands and you won’t even have to wire it in.
What Are People Saying About Hands Free Driving?
When you see the reviews for some of these hands free products, you might think that people are writing about something that costs much more. But the truth is that hands free devices can be very affordable.
The other benefit of using Jupiter Jack over some of the more expensive devices is that you can take it with you when you move to another car. It doesn’t need to be installed and it is small enough to fit in your pocket. This means that even when you are driving someone else’s car or you are driving a rental car, you will still have hands free driving.
Another benefit of using this particular device is that you can also plug it right into your MP3 player too so you can hear your songs through your car’s stereo, saving the need for yet another wire in your car.
Where Should You Buy It?
If you are looking for the Jupiter Jack in particular, then you might find it in some stores, but you will usually pay full price. By shopping for it online from the official web site, you will not only get a better deal, but you will also get a buy one get one free offer that makes it even better.
Is This the Right Product For You?
No matter how much you may disagree with the laws regarding talking on your phone while driving, they are there to protect your safety and the safety of everyone on the road. With the Jupiter Jack, you will be able to abide by the laws with total convenience. This really is an extremely safe, easy to use, and mobile way to transmit your cell phone’s sound through your car stereo, allowing you to comfortably talk to anyone and hear them in full volume.
David Q. Biggs really digs testing electronic gadgets in his free time, and has done a great Jupiter Jack Review that is well worth reading before buying a Jupiter Jack. Visit his website now for and get a Jupiter Jack for free.