Should You Consider a Used Hearing Device?
One decision that a shopper who wants to buy a hearing aid needs to make is whether or not to get one that has been used before, as opposed to one that is brand new. Many individuals feel that one way to save cash easily is to purchase a used hearing device as opposed to a new one. Yet ultimately, you’ll need to accept that repair costs are a part of any second hand hearing aid purchase.
Folks who are thinking about whether or not to shop for a used hearing device need to consider whether it fits within their own personal meaning of good hygiene. You can never be sure with a previously owned hearing aid, but a brand new device is sure to be sterilized. It cannot be forgotten that it was once in another person’s ear because it’s a second hand product. Though many see the financial soundness of getting a second hand device, issues will arise that can cause irreparable damage from used hearing aids. The safe and wise option is to spend a little extra on the new hearing device.
A new hearing device is definitely going to be an investment, however one that is more sensible than if you purchase it used. Even though you could find a used hearing aid for half the price, it could be a waste of money since it is only going to fall apart eventually.
You ought to discuss this with your audiologist if you would like to know more. Their patients ask them all the time whether or not they should go and purchase used hearing devices. Having been asked this questions many times, they are prepared to provide you sound advice and opinions.
Check the credentials of your supplier of choice if you decide you want to take this route and disregard any other advice you may have received to the contrary. This is particularly important if you’re shopping for hearing aids on the internet. You’re going to want to make sure that the hearing aid device that you are purchasing has at least been cleaned and that it is going to be safe for you to wear. If you can’t program it, you will have to send it to an expert so he can adjust it for you.
In the end, the decision is yours to make, as you know. Like anything else, there are those who have been quite pleased with the used hearing device that they purchased; however there are, of course, those that have not had good experiences trying to save cash in this way. It really might be best for you to buy a new one, as the prices have come down a lot lately so cost is not as much of an issue.