LTFS and Active Archive: The Next Technology in Data Storage

Magnetic tapes have been used for data storage since about 50 years. The problem with this method of data storage was that this did not allow the metadata to be held in a form which was easily accessible. Also, when stored in magnetic tapes, files could not be saved in an organized manner with proper filenames or directories. But IBM changed this scenario with the launch of a new technology called LTFS – which is an abbreviation of Linear Tape File System.

What is Linear Tape File System?

It is a tape file system which is self describing in nature. When a cartridge is inserted in a tape drive, this system enables the tape media to mound and read via the operating system. An LTFS-formatted tape does not look any different from a normal file system. Like a hard drive and thumb-drive, even this tape can be easily mounted. It is extremely user friendly since it allows users to drag and drop files from and to LTFS-formatted tape which is mounted. This new technology offers many benefits. One of its benefits is that like active archiving, it allows storage which is effortless and access which is seamless and easy. The advantages of LTFS include:

  • It helps in cost reduction.
  • It offers ease of usage across multiple mediums and operating systems.
  • It uses a universal standard media.
  • It offers an open standard and a cross platform to the users.
  • It can be used as easily as a USB drive. All that you need is the LTO-5 drive and you can load the LTFS tape into this drive before mounting the tape into the file system.

What is Active Archive?

Active Archive combines open system applications with tape and disk hardware. It then uses this combination to offer its users, ease of access to all their data, easy storage as well as management of data. Some might confuse Active Archive with HSM or hierarchical storage managers. But there is a significant difference between the two. Unlike HSM, this technology allows users to access their production data, irrespective of how old or new it is. It even negates the frequency of access since the data is retrievable online. Active Archive is a collaborative product which is offered by both software as well as hardware vendors. It even makes the most of the existing equipment of the users. According to expert analysts in the field, this technology coupled has become a vital component with respect to corporate storage facilities. Active archiving solutions are a must for companies which have to manage high volumes of digital assets and data. Generally these companies also witness a huge growth in data storage requirements and hence, can use active archiving as a storage strategy.

LTFS and Active Archiving

Today, many manufacturers who offer archiving software also include LTFS in their solutions. This file system has become essential when it comes to creation of active archives in a storage environment. It supports medium and long term archiving and this helps the users to switch to latest archive software or hardware without involving huge costs.

Crossroads StrongBox is designed to address the need for a low cost and highly reliable LTFS, presenting itself as traditional network-attached storage-NAS while leveraging the new Active Archive.

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