Designing a Complex Windows Server 2008 Infrastructure

When you think of a centralized model, it’s best to keep in mind the word root, centra (meaning center). In a pure centralized model , all your resources are in the same place, and all your administrators are in one spot. A good example of this would be a medium-sized business that has about 1,000 employees who each access applications, shared folders, and printers on your CCNA Exam. In a centralized model, the business theoretically could exist in a large building with 20 ?oors, and the IT staff would all be stationed on the top ?oor where they could oversee all the dark deeds they must partake in on a daily basis. I’m kidding on that last part, but the concept of a pure centralized model is pretty simple. Everybody or anything who has to do with IT is in one spot!

In practice, a centralized administration model is a convenient way to run your IT func- tion. If everything is in the same place, it’s easy to get to what or whom you need to be in contact with very quickly. To top things off, you can usually get away with a lot fewer qual- ity assurance practices because you Don’t have to connect across a slow WAN link to servers in your Japan office halfway around the world from your San Francisco location.

The only downside to this model is that sometimes when an organization grows, being centralized really isn?t practical. Businesses open separate offices, they have remote employ- ees, and they sometimes require IT resources in locations that Don’t make this realistic for a very large corporation with multiple offices. MCSE 2003 Thus, you’ll fairly rarely see a pure centralized model in the wild. However, it’s possible that you will see a variant of this practice called the centralized-decentralized model, where all of the IT staff is in one place but the servers are in various locations throughout the world. Figure 1.1 may help illustrate this.

If you understand the concept of a centralized model, I’m willing to bet that you will prob-ably be able to guess what a decentralized model is. But, just in case you can?t, a decentral -ized model is an administrative model where all your IT staff and resources are not in the same place.

Say, for example, you work for a company called MyCorp. If MyCorp has locations in Sydney, New York, and Paris, chances are that they probably have servers in those loca- tions. And, if MyCorp happens to be a particularly big corporation, tHere’s an even stronger chance that MyCorp will have multiple servers in each of those locations. Think about it for a minute. You have at least three locations, and at each of those locations you have multiple servers. Having multiple servers probably means multiple personnel. Thus, you have a lot of different people, managing a lot of different resources, in a lot of different places!

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