Recent Long Term Care News that the Public Should Know

Planning and deciding if a person would buy an LTC plan surely needs a lot of time and preparation. Some individuals who are really interested in buying one not only try to contact their insurance providers to gather important information but they also make sure that they are updated and informed of the latest long term care news. This is a very clever way of weighing how much an LTC plan really matters to the lives of the public and how it could affect one’s decision about purchasing it.

Now that the demand and need for an LTC plan has increased, the public is now more inclined in getting useful and helpful facts that could help them convince themselves that they really need the assistance that these insurance plans could provide them with.

The reason why is because of the expensive rates and monthly premiums that usually come with private LTC insurance plans. After acquiring it, the person has the responsibility to continuously pay for his premiums until he finishes or satisfied his complete benefit amount.

And because of the still unstable economic condition that the country has right now, some Americans cannot be easily persuaded into acquiring something that involves huge amount of their financial resources. Since the economic turmoil a few years ago, they have been more cautious on how they spend their money.

There are certain long term care news that every individual should know so that they can decide wisely about their policy purchase. One of this news is the latest tax deduction limits for the current year that was published to guide and inform not only the insurance providers but the public as well of how much they are entitled to tax deduct depending on their age and the type of policy that they have.

Another important update that shocked and worried the government and the insurance industry is the cancellation of the Community Living Assistance Services and Support law or more commonly known as the CLASS Act.

When it was made into law in 2010, many people were helpful that it could end the long time struggle and dilemma about LTC plans purchase in the country. Since the program boasts of cheap and budget friendly monthly premiums, the government projected that it would be more beneficial and helpful to those who are earning just enough money to compensate for all their needs.

All working individuals were automatically enrolled in the program although previously LTC-insured individuals may opt to withdraw their enrollment. The premiums would be collected through salary deduction and the employers were tasked to do this.

Sadly, it was cancelled after only 19 months after it was implemented because the Department of Health and Human Services think that the premiums would not be enough to pay for all the LTC needs of the policyholders once the program start giving them their policy benefits.

These two are just some of the latest long term care news that the public must be aware of. With the cancellation of the CLASS Act, the residents may again consider getting a private insurance policy to avail of the latest tax limits and to be more assured that they will receive the LTC services that they need.

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