100 Day Loans Scam Don’t Get Fooled

Everyone in this world has found themselves in a situation where they have more bills than money to pay them. Some just have bigger bills than others. I have read a lot of reviews out there about a company called 100dayloans. People think that it’s a scam that there is no way they can do all the things that they claim. I am going to clear up some things that people are thinking and saying out there. The company has been around for 3 years no company that is ripping people off outright would be around that long without changing their name and website, or disappearing all together.So right away I am going to say 100 Day Loans Scam theory is not true. They imply that you will have 100 days to pay back a loan that you get through them. You may think through them not from them yes that’s what I said they do not loan you the money directly. So the implication that everyone that gets a loan from them will have 100 days to pay back is false. They have no control over that other than just not working with any lender that has very short loan term, but that’s it. However some people do get offered the 100 days, sometimes even more time to pay off their loan. Before you sign on the dotted line for your loan you know how long the payoff time limit will be. They don’t make you sign then tell you by the way we need our money in 30days not a 100. You know what you’re getting from any one lender, if the terms aren’t to your liking chose another lender they will offer you more than one.

I’ve read about people saying that this company is predatory that your inbox will be flooded with emails for loan offers if you use their service. Let me just say that if you forget to not check or uncheck the box were they offer you more deals from other partners and lenders you will receive many emails offering you more loans and other offers. As far as them being predatory I don’t know any company that offers payday loans that is not going to offer you as many possible loans and offers as they can. That is just the nature of this type of business if you remember not to choose to receive the extra offers you should be ok. 100 day loans is not a scam just a company trying to do business in a very completive market. There are hundreds if not thousands of companies out there. In conclusion I will say 100 day loans is not a scam in fact from all the research I have done they have the best customer service. They also have on average just as long of a payoff time as any other company on the web. I think they just have a very smart advertising department. While I am not recommending this type of loan I will say that 100 day loans is a viable place to get this type of loan, if you are looking for one.

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