Installing Servers, What You Don’t Know
During server installations, it is crucial that every aspect is given adequate attention for better functioning of the data center. Servers and other data center equipment can be very expensive, and it is important that they are installed correctly so that they do not become damaged. Software and hardware are the two elements that must be paid attention to for a successful installation.
Software Component
When installing servers, the software component usually comes to mind and is always given more consideration. The data center technicians will have to install and configure different types of programs and computer applications on the servers. There are many applications that a company or a business needs in order to operate every day, such as spam filters, email cients, content delivery services, and antivirus software. The servers also need to be set up to handle the company’s website. They need to be able to handle the number of visitors to that website as well.
Another type of software that companies will have to consider are software or programs that help back up important information, and this is important in case one of the server fails. The data center staff will have to set up their servers’ backup capabilities to meet the needs of the company. Some servers possess Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks or RAID, which is a type of technology that backup the information on multiple disks. RAID backs up the same information on multiple disks within a server. In the event that a disk fails, the information that was stored will be easily accessible in one of the other disks.
The Installation of the Hardware
While the software installation process is very important for the company, the physical installation of the server requires just as much commitment. One of the obstacles that comes up with installing the servers is the data center itself, for many of these facilities are limited in terms of space. There are many aisles in a data center in between the server racks, and they can be very narrow due to the limited size of the facility. Of course, there are many companies that have larger data centers, but their pathways may also be constrained either way because of all the equipment that the company needs. Having such tight space will present a problem to the individuals who are lifting the equipment, since it will be very cramped and the expensive servers have to be handled delicately. Some servers are very heavy that they require more than one worker to carry them, and this can be very dangerous.
The best way to physically install a server is with a genuine serverlift. The SL-500X ServerLIFT is a piece of equipment that was made especially with the data center in mind. This device is very effective in tight data centers, for it has a footprint of 24 inches wide, and this gives it the ability to travel through most data center aisles. Another great capability that this device possesses is the power to lift 500 lbs to a height of 8 ft, which is how high most standard data centers are built. Manually carrying data center equipment can be a bad idea, for it can be dropped, damaged, and the workers can also become injured in the event of an accident.
Installing servers can certainly be a difficult task, for every detail must be paid attention to in order to have a successful data center. Installing servers manually can be an even more complicated job and can result in broken equipment and injured workers. With the use of a serverlift, the data center will find that it’s the best solution for their installation and other deployment processes as it will create a safer and more productive environment.
Explore more things you need to know about Installing Servers.