Top 4 Lead Generation Strategies that Work

One of key elements that drive business success for B2B marketing is lead generation. It helps to generate quality business to business sales-ready leads for companies. The primary reason to employ lead generation techniques is to increase conversion rates and boost profit margins.

Although lead generation sounds simple and effortless in theory, only a few succeed in closing deals. Most companies blame lack of funds and disconnect between Sales and Marketing for not being able to put on a good show. They consider this the greatest impediment to successfully meeting their target margins.

What they fail to realize is that there is a lacuna in the lead generation strategy and not the shortage of funds or Sales Marketing disconnect that contributes to bad sales figures. Since most companies lack focus when it comes to strategically planning their lead generation approach, lead generation fails miserably.

An effective lead generation strategy implemented even on a minimal budget can assure high quality leads.  To enhance the effectiveness of lead generation techniques marketing automation systems were developed.

Today companies have a myriad of choices to generate leads and nurture them. Here are some pointers on the most effective lead generation strategies that work the best for all businesses in today’s competitive marketplace.

1.       SEO – Search Engine Optimization is one of the leading lead generation techniques popular today. Usage of keywords and phrases that ensure a top search engine ranking is a simple and easy way of lead generation.

2.       Email – Sending lead generation and nurturing emails is also a good lead generation technique. The key point to remember here is to send emails only to those who have provided permission to receive company emails. It is also important to follow a regular schedule for such emails.

3.    Social Sharing – Social media is a great place to generate leads. By sharing valuable content and updates in social circuits, companies can update and inform leads effortlessly. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are the top social sites for B2B lead generation.

4.    Marketing Automation – Track leads using marketing automation software and easily evaluate lead intent. This ensures only warm leads are tracked and nurtured.

However, the process does not end here. Companies need to constantly evaluate the techniques and, if necessary, try new ones as well. However, the greatest benefit of implementing robust lead generation software is that it helps companies with effective lead generation and lead nurturing.

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