Candida Overgrowth Symptoms – Signs Of Serious Illness?
I am often asked to describe Candida overgrowth symptoms. Before we can discuss the symptoms of Candida overgrowth it is important to understand just what Candida overgrowth is. Candida is a naturally occurring yeast that lives within the body. It only becomes a problem when it grows out of control. Usually, our body’s natural defenses protect us from yeast overgrowth. When these defenses break down, our body gets out of balance and the yeast has an opportunity to multiply rapidly. When this happens the yeast changes to mold and we have a Candida yeast infection.
A Candida infection is classified as either acute or chronic. With an acute infection the symptoms develop rapidly and are generally localized. Localized vaginal infection and oral thrush are examples of acute Candida infections..
Symptoms of an acute infection caused by Candida overgrowth vary with the location of the infection and include the following:
– Rash
– Itchiness
– Soreness
– White Patches
– Redness
– Pain
– “Cottage Cheese” type discharge
– Discomfort during intercourse
– Painful urination
While symptoms of acute infections are usually confined to the infected area, chronic yeast infections can show up throughout the body in many areas at the same time.
Candida can take root in any body tissue. It can live in your bones and joints as well as the tissues of the heart, kidney, liver, brain, and muscles. Once the infection takes root it causes inflammation in that tissue. The effects of that inflammation are widely varied depending upon where the infection has taken root.
Chronic Candida overgrowth can cause so many different symptoms that it is almost impossible to exclude any symptom. Symptoms often change over time as the body fights the infection in one area only to have it reemerge in a completely different area. The severity of the symptoms can also change over time. Because of this, many of us have gone undiagnosed and untreated by our health care professional for years.
Candida overgrowth symptoms may stay steady and predictable for a time and then change rapidly overnight. We may have severe symptoms one day and only mild symptoms or even no symptoms at all the next day. A common complaint from Candida yeast infection sufferers is having a vague feeling of being unwell all the time…not quite sick but definitely not well. Other with chronic yeast infections may be so ill that they can’t get out of bed or function in their daily lives.
People with a chronic yeast infection usually exhibit some or all of the following symptoms:
– Feeling generally unwell
– Fatigue
– Muscle and joint aches and pains
– Lack of Energy
– Mood changes
– Weight change
– Stomach and bowel problems
Candida Overgrowth symptoms will not go away on their own and they will get worse. Medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, only treat the symptoms. They are not a permanent cure. While they might bring some temporary relief they will not rid the body of the mold that is growing inside. The only way to permanently rid the body of Candida is to treat the root cause and that can be done without expensive and messy medicines. Learn the secret at
There is an easy, inexpensive cure for yeast infections. Discover the simple 4-step plan that has permanently eliminated Candida Overgrowth Symptoms from over 5,600 women and men without doctors, medicines, or strange diets. Learn the secret by visiting