Whey Protein isolate – the best weight gainer supplement
Strenuous exercising results in torn muscles and this why we feel sore after tough workouts. Amino acids supplement products make up for the insufficient proteins available in normal food rations, and which are needed to initiate muscle repair and development. Only the best post workout supplement products can provide good quantities of amino acids, vitamins and minerals to replace those exhausted during workouts. However, the best weight gainer supplement is not only meant for post-workout use but also in the pre-workout phase so as to give athletes the adequate strength required to undertake extended resistance training.
Currently and very likely into the distant future, the best post workout supplement has been shown to be whey protein isolate. Whey protein is available either as concentrates or isolates with regards to the whey filtration processes which have been used to develop these protein products. Concentrates have a biological value of 104 while for isolates it is 159, meaning that isolates are the purest form of protein.
Whey protein is referred as the total amino acids supplement because it contains glutamine and the branched-chain amino acid leucine, both of which are crucial in stimulating muscle synthesis. Whey is also referred to as the best weight gainer supplement because it is a fast acting protein, meaning that if it is taken before workouts the muscles will not be devoid of nutrients, and when taken afterwards it will initiate fast repair of the muscles.
The branched-chain luecine present in this amino acids supplement helps to achieve strong but elastic muscle tissue. It is however the first victim of intense exercises, although this shouldn’t elicit any worry because the extra glutamine from the supplements plus that already in the muscles works to prevent total muscle damage. This synergy between glutamine and luecine is what makes whey protein the best weight gainer supplement. Other than stimulating the growth of muscles this pair also helps to boost the immune system. 100 optimum whey protein is also the best post workout supplement because it blocks the catabolic effects of hormone cortisol which works to convert the protein in the muscles into glycogen for purposes of generating energy.
To optimize the positive effects of our workouts the intake of amino acids supplement products should be done about an hour before and within two hours after the workout. As the best weight gainer supplement, one would expect that 100 optimum whey protein is expensive; this is not so – there are websites which are now selling this product for as little as $39 for a 5lbs pack. When looking for the best post weight supplement always ascertain that your product of choice contains low levels of fats and carbohydrates and the highest possible levels of whey protein.
For more information about best post workout supplement please visit our site www.musclefeast.com