Have you heard about the assured shorthold tenancy agreement?

The assured shorthold tenancy agreement is considered to be the default tenancy document that is used in most homes in Wales and England. It is basically an assured tenancy formed that includes a limited tenure security. The document was first introduced in 1988 by the Housing Act but then modified in 1996 with extra additions that are used today. Nowadays, the assured shorthold tenancy agreement is the most commonly signed arrangement form that involves the renting of a property by a landlord and offered to a tenant.

In order for an assured shorthold tenancy agreement to be signed, there are some requirements that need to be respected. For starters, a tenant can only rent a property that is offered by a private landlord and tenancy needs to have started after or on January 15th 1989. The property that is discussed in the assured shorthold tenancy agreement needs to be the main accommodation of the tenant and the landlord is not allowed to live there. This is because the tenant is guaranteed privacy and the landlord is not allowed to enter the home without respecting rules that are included in the tenancy agreement. In addition, the rent needs to be under 100 thousand pounds per year.

Tenure security is important for all tenants but the landlord needs to be able to make decisions too. An assured shorthold tenancy agreement allows the landlord to terminate the contract with the use of the section 21 notice. This means that the tenant needs to be notified 2 months prior to the termination of the assured shorthold tenancy agreement. No minimum period is needed to be presented and the section 21 notice can be used whenever the landlord pleases. However, the tenant will not be forced to give up the possession in under 6 months since the tenancy period began.

Any assured shorthold tenancy agreement falls under different exclusion rules that have to be protected. The document cannot be signed in the event that the landlord is a resident of the property that is rented and the rent needs to be under 100 thousand pounds per year. The tenants are not allowed to occupy a property as a main home and if the tenant is not legally considered an individual, the assured shorthold tenancy agreement cannot be signed. In addition, when a local council is the landlord, exclusion happens.

In conclusion, the assured shorthold tenancy agreement acts as protection for both a landlord and the tenant. The document needs to be signed in front of an official and all the rules that were mentioned above have to be respected. The legal agreement is binding and it needs to be written in plain English so there is no room left for interpretations. In most situations the landlord is going to present an agreement and the tenant can agree to it or come with a counter-offer. What is important is to make sure that all the facts discussed are included in the assured shorthold tenancy agreement and that both party obligations are clearly highlighted.

If you live in England or Wales, you should certainly research on the need for a tenancy agreement such as the assured shorthold tenancy agreement if you intend to rent a place. It’s only to your advantage!

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