Variations on the karaoke theme
Karaoke in North America is actually still a growing business. One of the reasons it never took off is not because American don’t like to perform, one only has to watch “American Idol” to see the thousands who would like to sing and perform, but because it has taken a while for the Karaoke Software to get to a stage where it is user friendly for the American.
The old huge KTV boxes with their huge laser discs were too expensive for what was and unproven business opportunity. They were seen as inconvenient and clunky and newfangled and never really took off as they had in the East.
Nevertheless some lounges and bars provide their clientele with regular Karaoke evenings which are very popular. The Karaoke show presenter or Karaoke Jockey (KJ) in popular venues can have people queuing up for over and hour to sing their favorite song and they may have to wait another hour before they get another turn. He will be able to announce each song and each singer in turn and thus we have a live and dynamic evenings entertainment. It is also very good for the bar owner as on those nights he has no Cabaret tax to pay.
In addition there are karaoke boxes, similar to the ones in Japan to be found in Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York and even Toronto in Canada. So this is a dynamic business.
In Europe too Karaoke is to be found all over the place. South Korea had the first karaoke installed in a taxi and then one Chinese auto manufacturer installed a sound system with a karaoke option in one of its models.
In London there are a fleet of taxis with karaoke machines installed and these are known as Karaokecabs. There are also a feel of Kabaoke private hire vehicles alive and operating.
Advances in software have made certain mobile phones have had a karaoke app. Karaoke is also available on Play Station machines. But these of course are all minor and private. If one wants to run a business using music for entertainment then it is best to go for professional karaoke software.
The foremost provider of this software is Jukebox Jockey and their machines can be rented or purchased along with a service agreement that will allow one to continually receive updates with the latest song on the extensive repertoire.
And this is not only Karaoke but also a jukebox software which will provide music of your choice to your establishment which need never be the same. In many places music is in fact musak or elevator music. Music which is nondescript and unobtrusive, only heard in the background as it is perceived to be better than silence but is in fact just noise. The Jukebox software provides a continually updated set of the latest music as well as comprehensive selections from the classical repertoire and golden oldies and rock through the ages and R&B & Country and and and.
So to really get the entertainment side of your business going try out some karaoke software
Jukebox Jockey, LLC is the leading provider of jukebox software, karaoke software, and video jukebox software world-wide. Visit them at to find out how their unique software can help you or your business! Karaoke Software