Are Souls Real?
There are several reasons why people questions the legitimacy of the afterlife. One viable reason is, no one from the “other side” with proof has ever comeback to tell us, what they have experienced and what is present after a person dies. On the other hand, there are other conceptualization (religious) that affirms the existence of the human souls. There are books like the Bible that suggests that souls do exist. Interestingly, science does not have a solid explanation on souls as of this time. One of the most quotable soul quotes suggests:
“A soul. A soul is nothing. Can you see it, smell it, touch it? No.”
This quote by Stephen Vincent Bent may create a stir between Science and Religion. Since there is no scientific basis of souls yet, a scientist may say that a soul does not exist. But a religious person (say, a priest) may say that it does since it is written in the Bible. This article, will not discuss religious or scientific evidences of the existence of the souls, however it will look at the validity of the claims.
Arguments, regarding the existence of the soul is questionable, since no one has ever been dead and was able to come back to tell us what happened when he/she died. Scientifically, a person who dies, does not exist anymore; all bodily functions cease, breathing, thinking and the circulation of bodily fluids also stops. When the heart stops beating and the brain stops functioning death in all forms occur. This is the physical manifestation of death a single cessation of life, from nothingness a person will go back to nothingness, as if he never existed, as if all of the things he achieved go with him inside his coffin.
Different views on the existence of the soul
The soul is a none physical, none material and eternal entity that exists inside the body. However, its existence does not end in death, since it is eternal, it can exist without the physical body. There are views that suggest the existence of the soul, here are some.
1. The Socrates and Plato view on souls
This view suggests that the soul occupies the physical body, and once the body dies the soul is reborn in another body.
2. Aristotle’s view on souls
Aristotle believes that all creatures have a soul, however souls are bound inside the physical body, only in humans does the intellect part of the soul exists and this intellect is eternal.
3. James Hillman’s view on souls
A renowned psychologist, Hillman believes that the soul is different from spirit. He believes that the spirit is the antagonistic part of the human psych. That the soul exists as the dark horse in everyone, destructive and an antagonist.
Although these views may sound legitimate, no one can really explain if the soul does exist, no absolute truth exists to prove each claims legitimacy, only the dead can really say what is on the other side. We can only be sure once we are the ones on the other side and our devotion quotes however beautiful maybe proven wrong once death becomes absolute.