“Is freedom from Diabetes around the corner?” Scientists finally answer…
“Is freedom from Diabetes around the corner?” Scientists finally answer… REVEALED: The Root Cause for Diabete – And How To Slowly But Surely Trigger Your Body To Produce More Insulin! Do this now: Sit down, lock the door, take the phone off the hook… Read this entire article letter to discover simple steps to “trigger” your pancreas to produce more Insulin day by day… … and find out what today’s top medical scientists, doctors and Nobel Prize winners have to say about treating Diabetes that could give you your health back! Constantly having to monitor what you eat, and not being able to enjoy a normal meal or night out with your friends? Having to bring along your own “special” meal to parties and gatherings? Taking four or more injections a day every day of your life, until no part of you is left un-bruised? Living with the fear that one day, chances are you will experience neurological challenges, cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, kidney problems, liver failure, eyesight challenges, amputations… Being overweight and being unable to change that, no matter how hard you try? Your partner having to put up with years of anger, depression, ill-health, lack of spontaneity? Hearing doctor after doctor tell you they haven’t got a clue as to what triggered the disease or what portion or your pancreas is still functioning? If you’re a woman, knowing that you might never be able to have a child, as it could be too taxing on your tired body? Feeling like there’s no hope, no cure, and that you are condemned to live with Diabetes for the rest of your life? If you’ve had ENOUGH, then this will be the most important article you’ll ever read. Here’s why. I’m writing you today because I want to tell you about a breakthrough scientific discovery about Diabetes. If you read it… I promise you’ll be immensely rewarded. If you fully understand it, you won’t want to miss a single day of your life without it. Let me explain… There is new research out for people with Diabetes… that has helped hundreds of people like you slowly… but very effectively… reduce their blood sugar levels. What are the advantages of that? – When your blood sugar is lower, it means your body produces more insulin (and this is crucial – more on this in a moment). Most importantly, it means you need less insulin shots or “units”. – It also means that your Diabetes condition is improving. This means you are slowly decreasing the risk factors of Diabetes, like eye damage, kidney problems or even amputations. – But most importantly, it means your body is slowly learning to produce insulin on its own again… and for some people, this has “cured” their Diabetes completely. How is that possible, you ask? “I thought Diabetes couldn’t be cured?” You’re right. At least, partially. With traditional medicine, yes, Diabetes can never be cured. Traditional medicine “fights” Diabetes by injecting insulin into your bloodstream to digest your food into energy. When you don’t have enough insulin in your body, your blood sugars shoot up… but because your body can’t process them it can’t “feed itself”. This is why Diabetes patients who haven’t been diagnosed yet are often very hungry and thirsty even after a meal (sound familiar?) But let’s say that your body would produce more insulin on it’s own. What if there was a way to “stimulate” the organ that produces your insulin… to slowly but surely produce a little more on its own each day? Scientists have now discovered… that it can! After years of intensive research, a group of doctors, scientists and even a Nobel-Prize winner (more on his remarkable discovery in a minute) conducted breakthrough research on “Modern Diseases”. What are these modern diseases? They’re typically “Western-World” diseases like… Cancer Multiple Sclerosis Lupus High Cholesterol Cardio-Vascular diseases And… Diabetes. You see, in the West, we have an abnormal amount of these diseases… who practically don’t exist in “undeveloped” parts of the world. This has been known for a long time, and for years, these scientists have wondered why. Well they finally discovered why. They discovered that it is our modern lifestyle that is actively causing these diseases… and that… Your Diet is the Single Biggest Influence on Your Diabetes Condition! How can a diet be such a big influence on our body? I’ll explain it in two ways. First I’m going to give you a metaphor for what’s happening inside your body right now… and then I’ll give you the scientific explanation from the scientists themselves. First, picture your body as a car… and you’re driving this 2-million year old car. An all-natural, organic, living, breathing car. For 2 million years, this car has been using fuel such as: – water – seeds – nuts – grasses – herbs – roots – fruits – vegetables – cereals That’s the fuel it is used to. More importantly, that’s the kind of fuel it was made of. Then, suddenly, after 2,000,000 years… that car switches over to – for the last 100 years – a new, modern mixture of: – sugar – sweets – biscuits – crisps – chocolate – cola and soft-drinks – fats & oils – cigarettes – pharmaceutical drugs – chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives (loads of them) – etc. What do you think would happen to this ‘vehicle’? That’s right: It breaks down! If you keep pouring in fuels that your body can’t process properly… then eventually the motor starts experiencing serious difficulties. Some people develop dangerous tumours. Other people have Cholesterol levels that are through the roof. For you, your diet is causing you to damage one very specific organ called the pancreas… that happens to be responsible for insulin production. This organ has become so severely damaged by your diet, that it eventually produced less and less insulin until you were diagnosed with Diabetes. If you really think about that… it means that… Diabetes is not a Disease About Not Having Enough “Insulin”… but a Disease of the Organ that Produces Insulin: The Pancreas. In reality, Diabetes is not the “disease” at all. It’s actually a “symptom” – an outward “signal” – of a damaged pancreas that simply is too damaged to produce the insulin your body needs! So what is the pancreas, you might ask? The pancreas is a long “gland”, right behind the stomach, that secretes insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin into the bloodstream. Doctors tell you that when you have Diabetes, your pancreas “just doesn’t” produce enough insulin – or no insulin at all. That’s been the explanation so far. Diabetes “just happens”. But think about it: Does that really makes sense? When millions of people around the world start experiencing the same health problems, something is seriously wrong. Something is unbalanced. And it’s never an “accident”. What scientists have now discovered is… that the “Root Cause” of Diabetes is your pancreas starts when your pancreas becomes diseased by acids: sugars, carbohydrates, excess fats and uric acid (all very common in our modern diets) keep going from the stomach directly to the pancreas. Because your pancreas is the next “link” in the digestion “chain”, whatever you eat goes directly to this delicate organ… So instead of digesting food and producing insulin… it now becomes a “shock organ”. Which means… It Has to Absorb and Neutralize All the Excess Acids Our Modern Diets Dump Into it. This is when you developed “Pre-Diabetes”… And if you don’t stop the attacks on your pancreas, you develop Type 2 and eventually Type 1 Diabetes. Our radical change in diet has actually transformed your pancreas into the “first line of defense” against acids, waste and toxins that all of us ingest… and keep ingesting… each and every day. Here’s what leading scientist, Dr Robert O. Young, has to say about the ROOT cause of Diabetes: “Beta cells surrounded by acids do not or cannot produce sufficient insulin. Acids destroy insulin receptor sites on the cellular membrane so body cells cannot properly use the hormone. If alkalinity is not soon restored, disease, including diabetes, takes hold. But without acidosis, there can be no sickness or disease – there can be no diabetes.” Dr. Young is an American microbiologist and nutrition scientist and known as one of the top research scientists in the world. His findings are currently sending shockwaves throughout the scientific community. Published in noted medical journals and having conducted tests in collaboration with the John Hopkins Medical School, his findings are irrefutable and indisputable. Now, I must tell you, I myself am NOT a Scientist. So here’s what his quote means common, everyday language: Dr. Robert O. Young, Microbiologist and Scientist, discovered that the cells that produce Insulin are being heavily damaged by acids – and more importantly, can be restored if the cells are healthy.
The cells that are responsible for producing insulin (they’re called “Beta cells”) are surrounded by an overdoses of acids from our foods. This causes these cells to be severely damaged… and eventually cripple the pancreas and stops them from producing insulin. Now for the exciting part: As soon as these acids stop overflowing your pancreas, it gets a rest from constantly trying to absorb and neutralize them. Once you “cleanse” the pancreas from the overflow of acids, starts to rebuild itself. It starts to recover, slowly but surely, and eventually… It Starts To Rebuild The Beta Cells To Their Only Natural Function: the Production of Insulin! Once you focus on the reason that is crippling the cells that produce your insulin… you instantly start seeing Diabetes from a different perspective. Instead of “Medication” and fighting the symptoms, you start thinking “Health” and treating the cause. The simple and overlooked truth about Diabetes – and many other modern diseases – is that it’s infinitely more important what you put inside your body than the symptoms that drugs can fight on the outside. Picture mopping up a floor… while the water is still running. That’s exactly what’s happening. And you’re never going to cure anything until you start treating the cause. OK – So What’s the Solution? The solution to all of this is to get back into your natural state of vibrant health… by “cleaning the pond” once and for all and stopping the incessant attacks on your pancreas. Think about it: For every disease, your immune system is triggered and it immediately starts fighting it. Your body can restore every wound, diseased organ or damaged cell that it needs to – but it can and will never do that if you keep polluting it… Your body simply can’t keep up! Here’s just a few things you’ll learn about how to get back into health… and “trigger” your body to restore your pancreas and produce more insulin… Not so “innocent” yet everyday substances that are currently attacking the pancreas (Hint: You’re probably still eating these, although they’re severely damaging your pancreas) One surefire way to determine your current level of health and measure the damage your modern diet has been inflicting upon your body. The single most effective fruits and vegetables in cleaning up excess acidic waste… and how to cleanse your pancreas completely from systemic acidosis. How to bring the overflow of acids and incessant attacks on your pancreas to a screeching halt. A scientific discovery that jump-starts your body to do its natural work, which is to heal itself and restore the pancreas’ natural function: Producing insulin!
As your pancreas restores, your blood sugar levels will drop even though you’re injecting the same amount of insulin – (Note: This is when you can slowly start to lower the units of insulin you take everyday… They’re your first steps to freedom from insulin shots!) And while you keep supporting your pancreas it will eventually recover completely, giving you back your health and freedom from a life of taking insulin shots. You won’t believe what a difference this makes in your life. I love getting letters from people who’ve struggled with Diabetes for years and are now charged with unstoppable energy and a enormous feeling of liberation when their insulin shots started dropping and dropping… even until the point where they didn’t need them at all. Their doctors were shocked… and at a complete loss for words at their recovery.
You may have noticed people talk about “doing Diabetes”. You must understand that Diabetes is not something you “have”… but that you actively “do” – and keep doing – as long as you keep feeding the disease with your diet. But Diabetes is not the only thing you’re risking. By cutting out the “danger substances” from our diets, we achieve a lot of other health benefits like: Prevent diseases like Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis and even Cancer… by having a clean, healthy body and a boost in your immune system Find out how we’ve lost our health within our own bodies… and why most Pharmaceutical drugs do nothing except treat the symptoms. Boost your energy levels, sleep better and increase your mental clarity. And discover why the “Modern West” actually ranks number 37 in overall health in the world… and why diseases like Diabetes, cancer, heart disease and multiple sclerosis hardly even exist in countries with “old-school” diet habits (This alone will open your eyes!) http://tinyurl.com/39yt2ab
About the AuthorJoann Hicks promotes artcles on Alternate Medicine. Helping people with information from Cancer to Multiple Sclerosis.