free email marketing

If you have decided to achieve success in free email marketing, then a surefire way to do that is by having your own ezine or newsletter. There’s nothing wrong with advertising in other ezines, but you’ll always benefit much more if you’ll build your own e-newsletter.

If you want to have a successful newsletter, find out who is your target market first. If you don’t know who you’re advertising to, then how can you provide useful content that your target audience will want to read? You have to research your niche. Go to forums related to your market and read what problems people have. If you have a budget, spend some money and survey readers of other (related to yours) ezines. Use keyword research tools and see what keyword people type in search engines to find solutions to the problems they have. Go to ezine directories or search for ezines on the internet. Many ezines publish their readers’ sex, age and even hobbies. So you can see what kind of people read your type of ezines.

It sounds very simple right? But you won’t believe how many fee ermail marketing fail to listen to what their target market wants. They just blast one sales pitch after another and hope they’ll become successful this way. But after a few months you see them shutting down their newsletters and saying it doesn’t work.

By doing this, you can visualize your average reader and find out what do they want and need. And when you know what your readers want, it becomes relatively easy to run a successful ezine. All you need to do is provide your readers the information that you know will make them interested and make them wait for your new publications.

Free Email Marketing Another point to consider is the format for your newsletter or ezine. If you’re planning to pull the most of your ezine then having a text based newsletter is not enough. It was proven many times that HTML based newsletters outperform text based ones many times. So if you want to have a successful newsletter, allow your readers to receive your ezine in HTML format.

You shouldn’t ignore text format either. Some time ago, when HTML newsletters couldn’t be read by older email clients, text format was dominating. These days, you’ll rarely find people using email clients that can’t read HTML emails. So most of your readers will probably be able to receive HTML emails. However, some people might just not like it, so allow them to receive text version of your ezine.

But just by running another ezine you won’t become successful. There are tons of ezines that come and go. Many fail, because they don’t follow the basic rules of successful newsletter that are simply essential for a long term success. One of the main rules that you should follow if you want to achieve success with your ezine is giving your readers what they want.

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