Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Philippines – Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most common body contouring procedure that I do in my practice. The breast is one of the distinguishing feature of the female body, this is why it is often given too much attention. A breast that is lacking in volume and contour may cause feeling of inferiority and may have some negative psychological impact. Thus, enhancing breast volume and contour would uplift one’s self esteem and interpersonal relationship.

Augmentation mammoplasty or breast augmentation involves the insertion of breast implant either under the breastgland or chest muscle.Breast implants are biologically compatible material that is safe, none toxic to human tissue and does not causes any reaction or induce any illnesses. This implant has an outer shell composed of silicon and contain either saline or cohesive silicon gel.
There are two basic types of breast implants: saline and silicone implants. The implant has an outer membrane composed of a silicone shell. This shell contains either saline (fluid) or silicone (cohesive gel) material. It is prudent for every patient to discuss extensively the advantages and disadvantages of each implant type with their surgeon before they finalize their decision.

Breast augmentation procedure is performed under deep sedation with local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The procedure can be done either as an out-patient surgery, or the patient can be admitted or confined for a day or two in a hospital, depending on the surgeon’s and patient’s preference. Whether the procedure will be performed as an out-patient or as a hospital procedure, pre-operative laboratory and medical clearances are required. The surgery usually takes one to two hours to complete. The breast implant can be inserted through an incision at the armpit or breast fold, or at the areolar border.

Each choice of incision site has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of scar cosmesis and nipple sensation. Among the three incisions, the transaxillary approach has the best scar cosmesis since it is concealed and nipple sensation is well preserved. But it is advisable for the patient to further discuss this issue if scarring is a significant concern. After the procedure, there will be some swelling and mild bruising that last for several days to a few weeks. Patients are required to wear breast binders for three to six weeks. This will hold the breast implant in place during the healing process and also help control the swelling. Sutures are removed after seven to ten days.

To know more about your breast augmentation procedure, it would be best to consult your surgeon, so that you may know all your options.


Dr. Rino Lorenzo VII, is an expert in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures, offering affordable  cosmetic surgery Philippines . Check out his websites for more information on  breast augmentation  philippines, oriental rhinoplasty, cartilage rhinoplasty, silicon rhinoplasty, tip plasty, before and after photos of nose job, affordable rhinoplasty, nose lift price or cost, alar trimming or alar plasty in the philippines and goretex rhinoplast.

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