The Lowdown on Soft Sole Baby Shoes

Buying your baby’s first pair of shoes is always an exciting moment. In the old days, the graduation from booties to “supportive” walking shoes was a huge moment. Today, parents and pediatricians alike recognize that the old-fashioned baby shoes we used to strap our babies’ feet into do more harm than good. In fact, most pediatricians and podiatrists recommend soft sole baby shoes for infants and toddlers who are just learning to walk, if they are to wear shoes at all.

Baby’s feet were designed for learning to walk. They don’t need extra ankle support to prevent injury or tight, rigid lacing to keep their feet from turning in or out. In fact, many doctors recommend letting your baby go barefoot most of the time indoors. Barefooting allows the baby’s feet to work the way they are supposed to work. Your baby will be able to feel the floor beneath his feet and naturally adjust for variations in surface and floor pitch or angle. Without the impediment of hard soles, your baby’s toes will flex and grip the floor to help him push off for the next step and his soles will roll naturally to help him keep his balance with each step. If you put shoes on your baby at all, say pediatricians, choose soft sole infant shoes in breathable materials like soft leather or suede.

Beginning Walkers
When your baby first starts walking, she’ll shuffle her feet along the floor to feel her way. Hard soled shoes make it difficult for her to lift and place her feet properly and confine her toes, making it impossible for them to flex and grip the floor surface the way they are designed to do. Barefoot isn’t always possible, but the shoes you provide should be as close to barefoot as possible. Soft sole baby shoes protect your baby’s feet from cold floors and stubbed toes without confining them and forcing them into accommodating the shoe instead of the shoe accommodating the foot.

Soft infant shoes are much more like booties or slippers. Once your little one starts taking steps, it’s time for the first pair of real soft sole baby shoes with comfortable, breathable uppers and a flexible, non-skid sole. While bare feet are still the best “footwear” for little walkers, shoes are sometimes necessary, especially for walking outdoors or on splintery surfaces. As your little one grows and becomes more confident, choose soft sole toddler shoes, which provide a little more protection for the feet but still provide the flexibility that allows your little one’s feet to move and work the way they’re meant to work.

What to Look For in Soft Sole Baby Shoes
If you’re buying baby’s first pair of soft soles, look for shoes made of lightweight, breathable materials, such as fabric, cow leather or sheep’s leather.

Avoid synthetics and stiff leather shoes. Bend the soles at the ball of the foot. Good soft sole baby shoes will roll up easily, bending at any part of the sole, but especially at the ball of the foot.

You’ll find a wide selection of affordable soft sole baby shoes in all sizes and adorable styles at ShoesZoo. Make sure your child’s feet can breathe and move the way they’re supposed to do. Buy soft sole baby shoes at ShoesZoo.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world’s MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.

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