How You Get Rid of Rats in Your Home
It is pretty safe to say that the vast majority of people do not like rats. They are sneaky and unattractive, and they can invade your home. No one wants to spend every waking hour in fear of a rat that may or may not streak across the floor. No one wants to double check their food time and time again for rat droppings. But, how do you get rid of rats? Don’t let them in! Follow these tips to keep rats where they belong—outside.
Check for entry points – Rats don’t just magically appear in your home. They come in through an entry point, usually a crack, gap or doorway. That’s right. Rats can walk right in through a door. Something as simple as an inexpensive door sweep could help keep you rat free. Check your foundation vents, attic vents, windows and doors. Rats are often found in the roof because of all the access they can get in the attic. For this reason, roof rat control often starts in the attic. Even if you haven’t had any problems with rats, it is a good idea to check to entry point to ensure a problem doesn’t arise.
Check for food sources – Most people know not to leave food out in the open, but there are other food sources that can attract rats. If you have a birdfeeder or pets, keep their food in an airtight container and do not leave it out for long periods of time. Birdfeeders in particular should be placed away from the house and on poles. Trash and compost piles are notorious for attracting rats. Be sure you trash can are sealed tight and have no holes, and make sure your compost piles contain no animals products. If you have children, be sure to check their rooms often. Food can easily turn up under a bed or in a corner or closet.
Stack firewood off the ground- If you have a lot of fire wood, do not keep it on the floor up against a wall. Place it on something sturdy that stands at least 18 inches off the ground and away from the wall.
Trim branches that hang over your roof- Hanging branches aren’t just a hazard during ice storms, they also make it easy for roof rats to get into your roof and into your house. If there are any branches hanging over your roof, trim them (if you are skilled enough to do so) or get them trimmed professionally.
Keep your drains cleans- Rats are sometimes found in toilets and sink because they live in sewer pipes and sometimes follow them up and into your kitchen or bathroom. If you use a garbage disposal, always disinfect it afterwards, and avoid big food items that are likely to attract rats. At least once a month, rinse your drains with a disinfectant. Never pour grease down your drain and keep a stopper in place. When not in use, keep toilet lids closed and tub drains closed.
If you already have a rat infestation problem, call a trusted rodent exterminator in Phoenix, like Invader Pest Management. They have been in business for over 16 years and have glowing reviews of their services.
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