Locksmith Tools Bump Keys
Locksmiths always help us by using their knowledge to repair different kind of locks. Like all other professions locksmiths also use some their own tools. They use these tools to unlock the locks and for many other purposes. Following are some tools which can be use by the locksmiths.Tension Wrench:A tension wrench is a small piece of metal which would be shaped into a 90 degree angle. Basically it is an “L” shaped tool. Tension wrench is also known as torque wrench. Tension wrench is used to apply torque to plug of a lock, in order to some kind of pick pins in place. Once all the pins are picked, then this tension wrench is used to open the lock.Basically this tool just works like a key, because it enables you to turn the lock which you want to open. The tension wrenches are easily available in the different hardware stores or you can also buy them from different websites.
Warded Pick:Warded pick is also known as skeleton pick. It is used in the opening of warded locks. A warded lock is a lock that can be consists of some sets of wards. These warded locks may have a single ward and some warded locks consist of different curves and bends.The warded pick is used to guess the shape of the original key from which the lock can open. Locksmiths use different kind of pick styles. Basically the keys for warded locks only require the end section of the lock from which the lock opens.Bump Keys:Bump keys are specially devised keys which can be also known as empty keys. These keys are used to open any lock in which they fit. Actually these keys are very popular among locksmiths, because they use these keys to open the locks very quickly.The biggest advantage of bump keys is that, they will have the ability to open the lock without damaging it. These bump keys are also very popular among thieves because they use these keys to open a lock very quickly.
Half Diamond Pick:It is the most basic and common locksmith’s tool. It is the part of almost all locksmiths’ tool kits. The half diamond pick is used to open the locks which have individual pins. These locks can also be used for disk and wafer locks.The half diamond tool is normally 0.5 to 1 inches long. Each end of this tool is either shallow or steep in angle. The basic set of half diamond kit is consists of one double half diamond kit and three half diamond picks. Pick Guns:It is one of the favorite tools of locksmith because this tool allows a locksmith to open locks very easily. Today it is the most popular method to open locks. These pick guns are available in both manual and electric forms. These pick guns operated by just pressing a button. Manual pick guns have both up and down buttons. Pick guns are real time saving tool for locksmiths.
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