How To Lose Pounds Fast For A Wedding

You knew you that your special day was coming up very, very quickly however you did not start working on losing any extra weight that you wanted to get rid off. So now what can you do? Your time is limited, so is there a way to help you lose weight fast so you can look great walking down the aisle? Of course there is. These are very simple steps you can take to help yourself look great come your wedding day.

We all absolutely love fast food, not only does it taste really good, but it also gives us a quick way to eat something on the go. However, if you can cut back on the fast food to a moderate amount you will find that you can have the best of both worlds. When trying to cut the fat, we don’t have to completely remove our favorite foods from our diet. This is a very big misconception. Simple replace what you eat with small portions, switch your coke to a diet coke and practice moderation.

We all know how we should eat more veggies to help compliment our daily diet. Adding a couple of vegetables to our diets every other day or a few times of time goes a long way. You don’t necessarily have to eat them everyday for every meal; however the amount of nutrients you will get through out the week from eating them a few times will really help your metabolism kick start. They are high in fiber and nutrient dense. You will be getting all the benefits that your body needs to burn fat with all the right nutrients.
Are you eating too many “white” foods? By this I mean white flours, breads, cakes and all the simple sugars which are bad for you. These will spike your insulin levels very quickly thus increasing your blood glucose levels and in return you will start storing a lot more fat. Prior to your wedding date, switch to complex carbohydrates with wheats, whole grains, oats.etc. Your body will not convert these into high sugar amounts as simple carbs would. With that being said, eat them in moderation. Your daily calories intake should consist of 45-65 percent of complex carbohydrates.

Try limiting all your drinks to either diet, water, reduced fat milk and/or 100 pure orange juice. If you really want to cut the fat and speed up your metabolism, switch over to water as your main source of liquid intake. Drinking your calories is one of the easiest ways to gain weight because you can drink your favorite sodas easily. Limit these to diet and a lot more water; it will make a huge difference.

I’m not going to say that losing weight is an easy process, however if you apply moderation to your diet and cut out some of the bad foods and replace them with a few others a good diet doesn’t have to be all that bad because you still get to enjoy your favorites foods. If you really want to speed up the process, incorporate a solid exercise routine 3-4 times a week

Start adding more muscle to your frame and begin losing fat very quickly. May sound a little easier said than done but with the right help it is very much possible, here are some great articles to get you started: < Don't let your schedule or busy lifestyle get in the way of a solid fitness program. You can start with very little time and still see a results. Get started today.

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