Energy Savings and Deregulation in Virginia
Energy deregulation allows for people to choose a company to supply their power. Before deregulation, the entire supply and distribution of electrical power was very monopolistic. People were given a rate that they had to pay for all of their energy usage, and had no other options.
Benefits of Deregulation
The shift towards deregulation has helped to create competition in the electricity industry. Electric companies now compete for business with other companies in their state, and homeowners have the option to choose the supplier with the best package and price.
The introduction of a competitive market is meant to help homeowners like you to pay a more affordable price for the valuable energy you need for your home. Energy deregulation is different in every state, so below is some information about energy deregulation in VA.
Deregulation in Virginia
Last year was a big year for debaters trying to regulate the local electric prices, from utility companies earning too much money to all utilities increasing prices nearly 35 percent in comparison to rate from 2005. Dominion Virginia Power and Appalachian Power were in the limelight as problem utilities- at least as far as prices are concerned.
Thankfully the state is deregulated for both gas and electric and there are some alternative suppliers available. These include Delaware Valley Energy Solutions, Cheap Electric Inc., and more!
There are other ways to save that work in addition to the deregulation, such as home energy repairs and upgrades. By asking an energy specialist to evaluate your home’s efficiency, you can finally understand why your bills are high and how to use less energy- thus save money!
Although energy deregulation can save homeowners money on their monthly energy bills, it is certainly not the only way for them to save! Local energy experts provide home energy savings throughout Virginia. A great way to start saving is scheduling a home energy audit.
How an Audit Works
During a home energy audit, an expertly trained contractor will perform a series of tests to pinpoint areas in your home where energy loss occurs. After pinpointing the inefficient areas, the energy saving contractor will discuss with you their findings and help you figure out the most effective and efficient way to upgrade your home’s overall energy efficiency and comfort.
In addition to saving you money on your monthly energy bills, upgrading your home with energy efficient appliances can earn you tax rebates to further increase your savings! So don’t hesitate!
Contact Dr. Energy Saver Virginia today to schedule your personalized home energy audit in Chesapeake, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Smithfield, Gloucester, Toano, Hayes, and surrounding areas.