Homeschool high school Transcripts – The Freedom in Developing a Perfect Transcript
Homeschool parents have a considerable amount of freedom when it comes to developing a transcript. Having said that, there are specific information you need to include but one thing I often suggest not including on a homeschool transcript. There is also great freedom in blending the many homeschool experiences into classes to put on the transcript.
The first thing your transcript needs is a title. Quite a few families get creative with naming their homeschool and choose to use that name on the transcript. However, you will not even have to use the word homeschool unless you want to. A transcript also needs to include the student’s name and also some sort of identification of the student.
I usually do not advise that you put the student’s social security number on their transcript. I think that it’s too easy to lose all of these little pieces of paper. Besides, colleges don’t have to have your social security number until after you have been admitted. You will find some homeschoolers who will include their social security number but I usually do not advise it.
You will need to put all of the educational experience in the middle of the document. This is also where you can insert the final grade that you gave them. Most transcripts have a grading scale together with a credit level. Putting the year the class was achieved will help the college to learn what high school year the particular class was taken.
When you are not using a curriculum it can get tough to know the right way to record classes. For some classes it is best to record the number of hours of the class. For example, if it was a theater performance then you know that you have a whole credit given that you added up an large amount of hours. But if it was something like dance, you might record only 40 hours of swing dancing then you can add it to the hours for different types of dancing to complete that credit.
My advice is to use sticky notes as an organizing tool. List each class plus the number of hours then brainstorm the different subject areas that class might be in. What that means is if they had 40 hours of swing dancing the subject area might be fine arts; you could very well label it dance but you could also label it PE because anything that breaks a sweat can count as PE. That is where you do all that brainstorming.
If you do that with your delight directed learning, then you will be able to join them into different classes. If they spent 40 hours in taking first aid in a CPR class, then 40 hours riding their bike, and then 40 hours swimming, evaluate those three sticky notes and figure out what they have in common. In this example you could incorporate them all into a PE class.
The freedom to be able to show the many wonderful homeschool high school experiences of your child is worth the added work. It will pay off in the end. provides comprehensive and in-depth advice on topics like homeschooled. This website also aids homeschool parents in exploring homeschool scholarships