SEO Friendly Web Design and Development Tricks

Your website success or failure depends on your website, design can make the difference between success or failure on the internet – while your are going to search for website design company to work with is necessary if you are looking for advantage of this profitable sales platform on internet using website. The internet is the only place where you can promote your firms services or company’s products 24/7 hours a day.

Using internet it is easy to promote your firms services or company’s products without making any door to door marketing, door to door marking is old tricks, now a days, when we are using internet. Internet marketing is widely spreading now days. There are many few success stories who accept internet as sales platform using website.

Getting traffic on your website at any cost is not a good method. This type of traffic never works for long time, even if it may work for a short while.

Here are some Important SEO Tricks to Avoid:


You have to design your website to be professionally catalogued by search engine, you can specify on your website which sites should be cached or ignored by search engine bots. Designing your Website so that search engines see one thing and visitors see totally different content is called cloaking.

Duplicate Web Content:

Do not make copy and paste for huge amounts of content from your own website, and surely don’t abuse copyright from any website.

Avoid Adding Keywords that Don’t Relate to Your Content:

Make list of keywords for website related to website. When you list keywords, make sure about keywords that honestly relate to your site, and do not go over the same keyword multiple times(keywords stuffing).

Link Exchanges:

Linking normally would make you good link popularity on Internet. However, never do link exchange that not related to your website, make sure about that.

Hide Text:

Many people are doing to hide keywords or text by making the background color on text/keywords and the same as the font color.

Title Stacking:

Use only single one “title” tags on your page, don’t try to add extra “title” tags to add more keywords. This type of “title” tags keyword stuffing is called title stacking; it won’t drive traffic on your website through search engine.

Distributing Viruses, Trojans from your site:

If your site is distributing a virus, trojan, search engine remove your website if found it and in returns action your website removed from search engine index.

Doorway Pages:

Many website owners do Doorway pages or Gateway pages are pages that are optimized for one key term but are really designed to be gateways to lead you to different content.

Your website design should make the great impression on internet. While your are going to website design, you should spend subsequent amount of time and money for your business success, only good web design is not important, but there is a lot of hard work and ideas goes into it. The web design and development company should be fit and creative to deliver results. While you choose web designing and development company, make sure it should be chosen on the quality of work.

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