Yeast Overgrowth — How to Address It
Yeast Overgrowth
If you know what Candida albicans is, then chances are you’ve had to deal with a yeast infection at some point in your life. Candida is actually a natural part of your gut flora, one of the microorganisms in your digestive tract that helps you digest food.
Yeast infections are caused by yeast overgrowth in the digestive tract. The excess yeast travels to other body parts and settles, causing infection. If you’ve had to deal with this situation, you know how uncomfortable and embarrassing it can be.
Overgrowth of Yeast
How do you know if you have an overgrowth of yeast? Symptoms are usually easy to recognize, if you are in tune with your body. Any change in your natural state should be obvious. Symptoms can include:
• Pain during urination
• Pain during sexual intercourse
• Vaginal discharge that resembles cottage cheese
• A yeasty smell
• Redness, itching, pain, or burning of the vulva or vagina
These symptoms of yeast overgrowth are easy to spot, and the sooner you recognize them, the sooner you can begin to address the issue, and the quicker you’ll recover.
Yeast Overgrowth in the Body
There are many causes of Candida infections. We already know about the yeast behind a yeast overgrowth in the body, but what causes that overgrowth? The answer could be as simple as the old adage: you are what you eat. Candida thrives on:
• Refined flour, such as bread
• Refined sugar
• Alcohol sugars
• Dried and candied fruit
If you eat these foods on a daily basis, you have a higher chance of getting a Candida infection.
Direct vaginal contact with chemicals, such as fragrances in soap and other toiletries, as well as dyes in clothing can also throw off your essential balance and cause infection. Using all-natural products free of chemicals can lower your chances of getting a yeast infection.
With a daily regimen of probiotic supplements, many women have found relief from yeast overgrowth.* Probiotics for Candida contain beneficial bacteria that naturally help regulate levels of Candida in the body.*
Finding the best probiotics for your needs will depend on your unique body’s needs. It may take some trial and error before finding the supplement that works best for you, but it’s important you seek a solution right away. Some examples of probiotics for women include Nutraelle FemCare, Fem-Dophilus, and Ultimate Flora Vaginal Support (
Disclaimer: Under Section 5 of DSHEA, the content material within this article or webpage is for consumer and educational purposes only. *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Leslie Cohen has been researching Candida albicans for years. She is very familiar with Candida symptoms, as well as the causes of Candida. If you are interested in learning more about this yeast, please visit