Children’s yoga tips: DVDs can also be good instructors

Yoga is an ancient meditation technique where one tries to align the body with mind and self. More than just an exercise regime that some may mistake it to be, yoga is a holistic way of ensuring a healthy and stress free life. It is based on the simple philosophy of balance where individuals are motivated to achieve equilibrium with self. Yoga poses are a way of concentration and endeavoring to strike such harmony.

Young age is the best time to introduce you child to yoga. The formative years are the best to adapt to the lifestyle changes that are an integral part of yoga. Children’s yoga can be leisurely instructed to youngsters and teenagers using yoga DVD for children. Yoga can be embraced methodically and the process is quite elementary. Necessary yoga tips can be learnt from such instructional DVDs and imbibe the practice of Yoga easily.

There are a few things that are paramount to undertake yoga effectively. One can have a quick check with following ready tips:

– Morning is to best time to practice yoga as both mind and body are fresh from sleep and can perform with utmost clarity and vigor

– Stretching out of limbs is important. One should stress its importance to children without taxing them

– Yoga is best done on an empty stomach and this is no different for children. A glass of lukewarm water clearing one’s bowels is more helpful in strengthening the immunity

– Children’s yoga should be more learning and less of rigor. The yoga sessions should not exceed 20 minutes with deep breathing interspersed. Deep breathing aids in calming down

There are few yoga centers that make Children’s Yoga more fun by creating DVDs that illustrate the yoga poses in a comprehensible manner. These yoga DVDs for children showcase teenagers or young adults performing the nice yoga poses that also instills a sense of confidence in the children. The yoga DVDs for children include tips and practice runs that weave together the yoga poses with relaxation tactics to ensure that the young practitioner does not feel exhausted.

Shanti Generation DVD is now available on Amazon Click Here

About The Author:
Shanti Generation ( offers yoga education programs that include yoga for youth, teen yoga, yoga for children and kids. The programs aim towards cultivating peacemaking skills among the youth and helping kids enhance mindfulness in the classrooms as well as at home.

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