Pittsburgh Plumbing – Examining Pittsburgh Plumbers to Find the Best Plumber Pittsburgh Has to Offer
Pittsburgh is an old city, over 250 years old, as a matter of fact. This means rich history, beautiful architecture, rich traditions, and very old buildings. Pittsburgh is known (among other things) for its wonderful buildings, both commercial and residential. While the interesting architecture, stained glass, quaint neighborhoods, and brick roads are scenic and charming, there are practical matters that must be addressed. Buildings and houses this old need some TLC to keep up, including roofing, wiring, plumbing, and a number of other types of work. Plumbing is one of the biggest issues Pittsburgh property owners have to face. Plumbing issues can range from inconvenient to disastrous, even causing potential health problems. Much of Pittsburgh’s plumbing is old, outdated, and defective. Then there are buildings with plumbing that works, but not efficiently, causing waste of water and high water and sewage bills. There is also new construction going up all over the greater Pittsburgh region, new homes and businesses being erected, all of which require excellent plumbing. In short, plumbing is a major business in Pittsburgh, for a variety of reasons.
Since Pittsburgh plumbing is such a big business, you will find no shortage of Pittsburgh plumbers, many of whom are very good. Since Pittsburgh is an old city with many old families that have been here for generations, many Pittsburgh plumbers have grown up in the business, learning skills passed on through decades of dedicated work and on-the-job training. This kind of apprenticeship system provides some of the best skilled laborers in the world, and it was used for thousands of years across the globe. While the apprenticeship style of training in plumbing and other trades is not as well represented in newer cities, Pittsburgh is a great place to find experts with Old World know-how.
When you are selecting from the many plumbers, there are certain things to keep in mind, including investigation of training, price checking, and reference checking.
When you talk to a plumber, be sure to ask about his or her experience, and also how he or she trained in the field. Most of the time, if you want to find the best plumber Pittsburgh has to offer in your area, you should go with someone who grew up in the business. They should be able to give you specific details about when they started, how they trained, and how many generations they go back.
Pittsburgh plumbing is pretty competitive. A plumber should have no problem offering you a reasonable estimate of what your services are going to cost. However, it’s a good idea to be cautious. If your house is flooding, you may need to find the first plumber who can make it over. If you can take your time, call around and ask about prices. When you do this, don’t just go for the lowest price right away. Sometimes, if people offer a really low price right off the bat, without knowing exactly what is involved in the job, they are either desperate or dishonest. It is actually a good sign when someone says, “It usually costs about this much for the kind of job you are talking about, but I will give you a better idea once I look at what needs to be done. I won’t start any major work, though, until I give you a solid estimate.” This is reasonable.
One of the most important things to do when comparing Pittsburgh plumbers is to check out their references. They should be able to provide names of customers, written testimonials, testimonials on their websites, and (best of all) testimonials on neutral websites that are not directly linked to their own business websites. In some cases, you may find that the deal that sounded too good to be true is actually legitimate. You also may find that someone who charges a bit more does work that is so excellent that it’s worth every penny. Learn from other people’s mistakes, and their successes.
The author is a Pittsburgh resident, craftsman, business owner, and property owner who has written many articles about Pittsburgh plumbers and other professionals. He has worked with Pittsburgh plumbing, roofing, and electrical professionals, and has gained insights into ways to find the best plumber Pittsburgh can offer.