Pass 220-702 Exam Desktop Virtualization running the Online Responder service
Any computer that is currently running the Online Responder service can function in the online responder role. The responsibility of the Online Responder service is to communi- cate responses upon requests for OCSP responses, along with the use of CRLs. Normally, in the enterprise architecture the online responder is an individual machine that is respon- sible only for the online responder role.
According to Microsoft, online responders can respond to requests much more quickly comptia security stances involving the following:
External clients connected via low-speed WAN connections Overloaded networks
An organization with numerous certificates
An organization that does not want all expired certificate data to be exposed In Windows Server 2008, Microsoft encourages the use of the OCSP with its responder system over the use of traditional CRLs to increase the network ef?ciency of your infra- structure capabilities.
Responses from online responders are digitally signed and indicate the status of only the certificate to which they have been requested to respond.
The online responder server should be set up and running the Online Responder service before any client certi?cates are issued. This server must be running Windows Server 2008, but the data can come from a published CRL, which can exist on either Windows Server Windows Server 2003, or even a non-Microsoft CA.
However, in order to install the Online Responder service, the following prerequisites must be met:
IIS installed and operating
OCSP response signing certificate template must be configured on the CA comptia a+ with autoenrollment
N_ URL placed in the AIA extension of certificates by the CA
OCSP Components
OCSP is divided into several different components, including the OCSP client, responder, and revocation providers.
The OCSP client is integrated within Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. This allows these two operating systems to interact with an OCSP implementation by default without any further implementation. However, earlier operating systems by Microsoft do not include support for OCSP; thus, you must look for a third-party software provider program.