Review of Best Massage Chairs
A wonderful massage can do great wonders to your physique. A great massage gives you a deep relaxation, and help you release anxiety, stess and fatigue, allowing the mind and body to be tuned better. Lowering the risk of getting serious conditions, like high blood pressure and heart disease. By relieving sore muscles, massages puts the body and mind at ease. It also stimulate the body to release chemicals which will ease tension and improve your mood. Allowing the body and mind to rest better and have a deeper, more restorative sleep. With the body well rested and stress alevated, people can feel better, play better and perform better every day. Massage also increased blood circulation so your body can pump more nutrients and oxygen to vital organs and tissue. This helps your body to return to its health state and promotes faster healing. Stimulating lymph system (the body’s natural defense against toxic invaders). The cumulative effects of regular massage therapy can keep your healths up and to help prevent unnecessary strains and injuries that might otherwise occur due to excess tension.
But sometimes, it’s just not easy to get a great massage. Luckily, these days we can have it with a Massage Chair. Massage chair the best ways that can really help you stay in good shape. With a massage chair, you can have a massage whenever you wish. And it will never tired to relieve your daily anxiety and make you feel beter.
Here are some of the best massage chairs that is getting an excellent reviews by its user:
Panasonic EP30007KX
EP30007KX Real Pro Ultra Total Body Massage Chair Recliner is one of the leading products from Panasonic massage chair. The Real Pro Ultra is made in Japan, which is well known for its massage therapy. The EP30007KX has some revolutionary features such as the 3-D body scan, quad style rollers and the Junetsu massage method. It also equipped with the Zero-Gravity feature and detects the acupoints in order to direct the shiatsu massages.
AcuTouch 9500
The HT 9500 is the best massage chair from Human Touch. It has cover a varietyof expert massage techniques with its eight auto-programmed massages that will slowly edge out the stress of your day. The chair also equipped with large dual lumber heating pads that help to keep the muscular tissues comfortable and provide a pleasurable feeling. It also supports Calf and Foot Massager functions for adding an extra level of relaxation. The chair provides superb therapeutic technology and incorporates quality leather. This highly sophisticated chair also features HT-ConnectT, a free downloadable app for iPod touch, iPad and iPhone that provides instant access to the recliner.
Human Touch HT 7450
The award-winning Human Touch HT 7450 Zero-Gravity robotic massage chair is the world’s first Zero Gravity Massage Chair, which provides the latest innovations in both back-care technology and massage to virtually defy the adverse effects of gravity. Human Touch 7450 Zero-Gravity Massage Chair recliner is a 2008 Consumer Electronic Exhibit Award Honoree, featured in the 2008 Housewares Style Awards as a finalist in the furniture category, and a 2009 ADEX Silver award-winner for style excellence.
Human Touch HT 7120
TheHT7120 is one the most popular massage chairs in America. A flexible massage chair with innovative massage functions and sophisticated design. It is an especially well designed massage chair; the massage recliner is really comfortable to sit in even when not being used for a massage. The HT 7120 is installed with a Human Touch Massage System that incorporates Quad Rollers with Triple Motors Compression, Percussion, Kneading, Rolling full, Rolling Zone, 3-degree width control, 3-level height control.
iJoy 2580
When you get Human Touch iJoy 2580, you get an exceptionally comfortable massage chair that feels just right for your body. The Human Touch iJoy 2580 Massage chair recliner, with patented Human Touch Technology? is a terrific way to enjoy a soothing massage that eases away your pain, tension and exhaustion after daily hard work.
iJoy 2310
The iJoy 2310 is the type of massage chair you’d like if you favor a simple, small and functional massage chair that doesn’t have a lot of weird robotic feature that we don’t use quite frequently. Even though it’s simple, it still do an excellent job to alleviate your back, and get you a very soothing massage you wish.
Visit Panasonic ep30007 and panasonic EP30006KU to find the best massage recliner.