Hot Fill Packaging: OPP and ‘Panel-Less’ PET Bottles are the hot favorites
Hot Fill packaging has once again increased the popularity of OPP and PET Panel Less Pet bottles. The features which has endured the OPP once again is its improved clarity and cost savings.
Earlier vacuum panels were used in PET heat fill bottles as a means to avoid distortion when the hot beverage cools to room temperatures. The Panel less bottles is a very useful means to negate any label crinkling when the beverage cools. Panel less bottles also provide a very wide options for brand owners by providing more design options and give vent to better creative designs. A very good example is the Gamma Clear OPP wide mouth containers which have been popularized by Ball Corp’s. In recent times Kortec Inc. has signed a MOU to sell the Bell Technology to manufacturers outside North America. Another important technological breakthrough is the HSB double blow machine of Nissei ASB which with its pioneering linear reheat unit has enabled the ability to boost production of the Heat set PET bottles and eliminate the earlier cold blow mould.
The Amcor’s Power flex panel less PET Hot Fill technology has been introduced for the first time in the custom design for the Welch’s 14 oz juice container. The Hot Fill technology is particularly beneficial in the packaging of ready to use drinks like Teas and soups.
The OPP bottles have once again found preference over the PET bottles and Glass bottles for packaging a wide range of food and non food preparations. With its features like inert nature, heat resisting properties, lesser weight, better clarity and cheap cost, has endeared itself to the manufactures of food item packaging. Hot Fill applications have been the primary focus of the packaging industry. Better machinery outputs, improved pre-form designs and superior PP resins and clarifier additives give OPP a slight edge over the Hot Fill PET and glass packaging for jams, jellies, salsas, pickles, and tomato-based products.
The PET Hot Fill technology has also improved with the introduction of the new panel less bottle designs. This new designs helps to reduce container weight and at the same time gives better design options. The out levels have improved dramatically with better tools developments and machines. All these new technological improvements have given a boost to the stagnating bottle packaging sector. While the hot-fill juice, sports drinks and isogonics market show moderate growth there has been a steep increase in the ready to drink teas and enhanced water sector. However the heat fill PET market has maintained its dominant position and with the introduction of PET containers using MSD6 nylon barrier and oxygen scavengers for hot-filled tea and natural fruit juices it will maintain its edge in the packaging sector in future also.
Hot Fill technology has brought new life to the stuttering packaging industry.