Yeast Infection Smell – Is It a Serious Health Condition?
For many women one of the earliest sign of trouble is an unpleasant, smell in the area of her vaginal. The smell or odor associated with a vaginal yeast infection is not necessarily strong but it is definitely different and usually unpleasant. It is typically somewhat fishy and rancid. The odor is often accompanied by a white or grayish discharge.
Vaginal discharge is a normal occurrence for all women. During the menstrual cycle a change in vaginal smell is not unusual as the lining of the uterus is being shed and hormones are going through changes. This monthly change in smell is normal and does not indicate a problem.
However, If you notice an odor from your vagina that smells like fish or rotten food you almost definitely have a yeast infection that needs to be treated immediately.
Our bodies contain good bacteria that consume yeast. As long as the good bacteria are present our bodies are able to keep the growth of yeast under control. The good bacteria can be killed by antibiotics, birth control medicines, and other medications and this allows yeast to grow out of control. The strange smell is a sign that this has happened.
In addition to the odor, some common symptoms of a yeast infection include vaginal burning, vaginal itching, irritation of the vulva, redness, swelling, and discomfort during intercourse.
Some temporary relief from the symptoms of yeast infection can be found by using garlic tampons, apple cider vinegar douche, and yogurt tampons. The garlic is sometimes effective in killing the yeast in the treated area, the vinegar helps restore the acidic balance, and the yogurt (if you use the correct yogurt) will help restore the level of good bacteria.
It is very important to understand, however, that once yeast takes hold it often spreads throughout the body. While your symptoms might be limited to the vaginal area you must treat the entire body to ensure that it doesn’t pop up somewhere else. Treatment for a specific area, as described above for the vaginal area, are only temporary. The temporary treatment will bring temporary relief but it will force the yeast to travel to other areas of the body and resurface there.
The only way to completely and permanently rid the body of yeast infection is to treat the entire body by doing 3 things:
(1) Remove the yeast overgrowth
(2) Restore the chemical balance of the entire body
(3) Restore and maintain the correct level of good bacteria
The good news is, doing these 3 things is not hard and can be easily accomplished in a short time. You just have to know how to do it.
There is a simple 4-step program that is guaranteed to permanently end that yeast infection odor and stop all yeast infections without doctors, drugs, or strange diets. Learn the secret that has worked for over 5,600 women and men at