Various Advantages of Laser Cutting

Precision laser cutting is relatively newer but more accurate method used in manufacturing process to cut the metal sheets. A focus light along with the assist gas is used that burns the metal sheet on which further manufacturing process can be carried out that includes countersinking or pressing that are important for the desired quality during the fabrication of the metal sheets. With the help of tube laser that can easily revolve on a fixed axis holes and apertures of accurate dimension can easily be cut. It helps in the efficient and swift formation of metal tubes. Unlike their older counterparts, laser cutting technique is highly advantageous.

High Speed

The major advantage of laser cutting is that it is more than hundred times faster than the old method of “sawing” etc. This helps the manufacturer to produce several metal tubes within few days for which the buyer had to wait for several weeks and even months in the earlier times. This speed has also reduced the cost of metal tubes significantly.

Capability of High Manufacturing Quantity

It has been observed that the new laser tubes have the capability of loading a six meter tube in a single set up. The same procedure was highly time taking and it also required the workmen to indulge to a greater extent. So, as the time of manufacturing has educed so it is quite natural that the volumes have gone high and there has been lot of cost-cutting too as compared to the yesteryears.


Laser tubes can be easily handled by the technicians and they also give them high range of versatility. With these, the designers also have been provided with greater freedom with designs which was quite constrained few years ago. Nowadays, even highly complicated designs can also be achieved and complex tubes can also be easily cut. All these were beyond the capabilities with the traditional instruments and methods.


With the traditional methods, there was always a chance of making some errors in dimensions and cutting, so it had to be re-worked again and again. This inflated the cost of production and the completion time as well. Additionally, many mistakes were simply irreparable so there was plenty of wastage too. However, with an already programmed precision plasma cutting technology all these problems have vanished. There can not be any deviations and hence the industry has benefited a lot from such cutting technology.

About the Author:

Aldridge Brothers are the best Precision laser cutting of galvanized steel sheet and sheet metal work in Altrincham, Cheshire.

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