Options in Breast Implant Surgery

When it comes to breast implant surgery, there are various options and choices that an individual must make. These medical devices are used for augmentation and for reconstructive procedures. Augmentation is a cosmetic procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to increase size or enhance fullness of the breasts. Reconstruction is performed on women who have had mastectomies as part of their cancer treatment. Reconstructive operations are also performed by plastic surgeons in hospital or clinical settings. Here are some things to think about regarding implant surgery.

An augmentation mammoplasty is an outpatient procedure. During the operation, a surgeon will make incisions in order to place the implants. One of the choices that a patient will need to make is where the incisions will be placed. Options include the armpit, beneath the fold of the breast implant and under the nipple and areola. All of these locations are designed with scar hiding in mind. Another choice the patient will need to make is whether to place the devices above or beneath the pectoral muscles, also known as the chest muscle. There are pros and cons to each site.

If a woman has had a mastectomy, she may opt for reconstructive techniques that include the use of implants. This will often require a stretching period in order to allow the skin to expand enough to accommodate the insertion on the devices. Often, a saline style is used and filled over time. Other ways to perform reconstructions include using flaps of skin from the belly or hip region. The flap surgeries that utilize the belly fat and skin offer the patient a relatively natural looking chest mound as well as a flatter tummy. A nipple would be created using a tuck via sutures and a tattoo. Many individuals are tempted by the additional benefit of having a flat stomach.

The implants themselves come in various sizes, shapes, textures, protrusions and can be filled with either saline or silicone. Sizes should align with a woman’s natural proportions and attributes such as height, weight, bone structure and her personal preferences will need to be taken into consideration, too. Shapes may be oval or round and this choice will depend on surgeons’ and patients’ preferences. The texture of the device may be smooth or textured and there are pros and cons to each type. The protrusions may be subtle or those that are more erect. This choice should be based on aligning with the woman’s natural curves for the most harmonious result. Saline has its benefits in that it is a natural substance that won’t harm the body should it erupt. It’s said to offer a less soft feel, however. Silicone products are soft and natural feeling plus have been ruled safe by the FDA.

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