Be On Top of Long Term Care Costs
Everybody is constantly reminded to plan for the cost of care which is set to quadruple in less than 20 years. Otherwise they run the risk of losing all of their assets, including their homes, should they wind up needing care unprepared. Long term care insurance quotes can help one put up a plan which will enable him to preserve his hard earned money and other valued possessions.
Requesting quotes for a potential long term care insurance (LTCI) policy is actually the first vital step to achieving a successful LTC plan. These quotes will give you an insight into factors that determine the suitableness of a coverage.
To be clear about it, there is not a single LTCI coverage that will work for everybody. Since each person has a unique set of health care requirements it is just right that he designs his own personal LTCI policy. Coming up with a policy that is suitable for his needs, however, entails certain requirements such as proper assessment of his health and finances, and familiarization with different kinds of LTC settings and the cost of each in his area.
Visit a doctor to have your present health condition examined along with your family’s health history, as this will help you determine the kind of care that you will most likely need in the future. If it turns out that you are predisposed to an illness which is life-threatening by nature, you can include nursing home care in your plan. However, if you are like 90 percent of Americans who refuse to enter this institutional LTC facility in the future, you can choose to receive care at home only you have to be financially equipped as this will cost you.
Long Term Care Insurance Quotes for Your Preferred LTC Setting
The best thing about having an LTCI policy is that you have the freedom to choose where to receive care. Once you have figured out your future health care needs and how much these will cost, you can readily complete your policy with the help of a professional LTCI agent.
Those who prefer to receive care at home despite their predisposition to acquiring a chronic illness, which would require 24-hour care, won’t be deprived of their wish but they have to be financially ready to cover the expenses that come with aging in place.
Aging in place is different from simple in-home care. The latter only covers custodial or personal care, so an in-home care recipient normally receives assistance with his activities of daily living (ADLs) from a home health aide. Others who are living alone would also avail homemaker services which include cooking and meal preparation, laundry washing, and housecleaning.
Now if you are aiming to age in place, you have to have the budget to be able to modify your home and install the necessary communication devices, medical equipment, wheelchair ramps, additional handrails, shower grips, and other structures that will ensure your safety and comfort.
Before requesting those long term care insurance quotes from your trusted LTCI agent, discuss with him or her your preferred choice of LTC setting so you’d know which type of coverage would be suitable for you.
Get free long term care quotes at Probe into the factors affecting the cost of long term care plans.