Mono Symptoms – Acute and Chronic
Mono symptoms can range from being so mild that they go unnoticed, to being so debilitating that you can’t even get out of bed. In the acute, initial stage of the infection, symptoms of mononucleosis tend to start off with fever, sore throat, swollen glands and fatigue. Some people will also suffer headaches, muscle aches, poor appetite, nausea, loose stools, light sensitivity and respiratory problems like nasal discharge and coughing.
An enlarged spleen and liver occurs in about half of all mononucleosis sufferers. Symptoms of liver involvement can be swelling and discomfort below the right rib, fat intolerance, dark rings below the eyes and headaches. Spleen involvement symptoms can be pain below the left rib, although in many cases they are asymptomatic.
Young children tend not to exhibit serious mononucleosis symptoms. This means the infection may be passed off as a simple cold or flu. Older children are more prone to developing a viral skin rash and abdominal pain.
Patients older than 30 years of age do on average suffer more severe mono symptoms and a prolonged length of recovery.
As in any infection, symptoms can vary from person to person in their severity and duration. Most people tend to get over their mononucleosis symptoms within 2 to 4 weeks, although in some cases the symptoms can linger on for months.
If mono symptoms continue beyond 6 months, the infection is then said to be in the chronic stage. Typically chronic symptoms include fatigue, muscle aches and depression. Some people may experience a recurrent sore throat and swollen glands.
If you suspect you have the symptoms of mononucleosis, then please see your doctor in order to confirm your diagnosis. A simple blood test can tell you if you have an active infection, are in the convalescent phase or have had the infection in the past.