Down To Basics: What Types Of SEO Services Are Available?
Global market demand for SEO services has been on the rise over the past couple of years, which explains the proportional increase in the number of companies offering SEO services to clients around the world.
Competition over online search engine placement has been incredibly intense over recent years. Companies all over the world strive to gain a unique and visible placement on search engine giants such as Google. This is due to the fact that companies operating in the 21st century marketplace realize that it is more important than ever to sustain a top position on search engines in order to survive in today’s intensely competitive environment.
And as one could imagine, this is not an easy exercise. Thankfully, SEO companies have the knowledge, experience and expertise to offer their clients multiple opportunities to gain top placements on search engines, as well as to drive various audiences to their clients’ websites. This is accomplished through a variety of methods.
First of all, a rather basic activity performed by SEO companies is to explore top ranking keywords used in search engines. This helps SEO companies to gain a clear understanding of what goes through a user’s mind when performing a search related to a client’s industry. For instance, users looking for decent hotels might search for ‘luxury hotels’. Therefore, a strong keyword that should be considered for the hotel industry is ‘luxury’. How can this be useful for a hotel? On a hotel’s website, its content could include keywords such as ‘uxury’ in order to be picked up when users search for luxury hotels, giving the hotel a potentially higher placement or rank on search engines such as Google.
Another SEO service performed by SEO companies is link building. Link building, as the term suggests, refers to setting up links to a client’s website through other websites. There are a variety of effective ways of accomplishing this. SEO companies tend to exchange links between their partners’ websites in order to increase traffic to each of their clients’ websites.
In addition to link building, another popular SEO service is SEO writing. SEO writers create content for corporate websites that include a variety of keywords, which increases the chances of the content appearing on Google’s platform. However, it is important to note that Google rejects content that is keyword-heavy, as it portrays a desperate SEO effort and is considered spam. This is why it is crucial that SEO writers balance what is known as keyword density in order to be approved by Google. Another instrumental role SEO writers play is that they ensure their clients’ website content is 100% original and plagiarism-free. This inevitably makes websites more interesting and engaging to read, and makes them far more trustworthy and authentic, which will increase their chances of being ranked higher up on Google.
Finally, SEO services include pay per click services. As the term suggests, pay per click is an advertising service offered by platforms such as Google and Facebook that allow an advertiser to place links that drive interested viewers to their website. As a result, the advertiser pays the hosting website for every click a visitor makes to enter its website.
The issue of search engine optimisation is such a pertinent one these days in the online business industry and without a good SEO consultant, it is rather hard to achieve the best results by yourself.