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Like so many other composers living in our insane world of constant herve leger dress black and white streams of information from dozens of media and musical outlets on a daily basis, I was parented by an amalgamation of so many sounds and styles that I can’t really even help the way I write music anymore, so the nomenclature for this music that makes most sense to me is Pluralism. This type of musical information overload derived music is a great and natural trend that I see in so many other young composers today, particularly the ones who are freelancing around Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the west coast. As a pleasant resultant effect, it tends to give disparate audience members something to really identify with in every performance and listen
GS: How has this meaning changed since you’ve left the University of Michigan and started freelancing in New York?
WZ: Did you catch that amazing Pitchfork article about the Indie-Classical scene last month? It herve leger dress blue basically talks about the increasing presence of composers in the world of popular styles of music, especially indie rock. One quote comes to mind, where the author Jayson Greene writes that it has become difficult to discern an indie rocker from a composer.
So even though the phrase “Music In Pluralism” hasn’t really changed for me in the artistic sense of the phrase, I now have a starting point to explain what my music sounds like to other New York City musicians, regardless of what style they work in. I feel really comfortable telling people my music is “Pluralist,” that it’s “like Frank Zappa meets Philip Glass and a hundred other things too.” People can usually pick it up quick. Saying you’re ‘pluralist’ or ‘indie-classical’ is actually both an aptly descriptive and simultaneously noncommittal statement if you write music like that.
GS: What are your plans for ‘Symphony Z’ after its debut at the Tribeca New Music Festival?
Amanda Hocking was one of those authors who wanted to be heard. Hocking – who now has a deal with St. Martin’s – initially went the self-publishing route. From Austin, Minn., far from the publishing industry, she self-published 10 urban fantasy, paranormal romance and vampire novels, grossing about $2 million. But most such authors won’t reap Hocking-style financial rewards. In fact, they risk losing money on their books.
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