Safeguarding Adults Is Vital to Society

When people think of vulnerable people they tend to think only of the very old and the very young. However, safeguarding adults is important because there are far more groups of vulnerable adults living in society. In fact, a growing percentage of the adult population fall into this category.

Vulnerable adults include the infirm, the terminally ill, people suffering from depression and other mental illnesses. This means that most of us will end up falling into this category at some stage in our lives. This is especially the case when you add people suffering from addiction. If you think about it for a moment you soon understand that vulnerable adults make up a significant percentage of the UK population at any one time.

Each group of vulnerable adults has a special and specific set of needs, so care of each group has to be tailored to meet those needs. For this reason, professionals who come into contact with vulnerable adults on a regular basis have to undergo specialist training. This training is known as safeguarding adults training.

The Safeguarding Adults Training Industry

In 2006, the government introduced the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups, which ensured that all people working with vulnerable groups in society were safe to do so. These checks mostly involve checking for police records.

However, the act had a secondary effect, which was to re-focus care-giving companies on the need to ensure the staff who worked for them were properly equipped to look after everyone in their care. As a result, they looked around for ways to check and improve their staff’s understanding of what was needed. To meet this need a wide range of safeguarding adults training courses were designed, and became available soon after the act was passed.

Who Benefits from Safeguarding Adults Training

Everybody benefits from safeguarding adults training. The people being cared for get a higher standard of care. Employers can demonstrate to inspectors that they comply with a long list of guidelines, rules and regulations. People taking these courses benefit the most. With these qualifications getting work and progressing within the industry becomes much easier.

Contact Safeguarding Adults EA today to find out about their wide range of safeguarding adultstraining courses. All of their courses take place online and are not expensive.

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