Compare Auto Insurance Quotes to Get Cheap Auto Insurance
In today’s tough financial climate, every dollar saved is important. Shaving a few dollars off your auto insurance premiums can make a big difference in your monthly budget. One of the best ways to reduce the amount of money you pay for your car insurance is to compare auto insurance quotes to find the best deal. These tips will help you get cheap auto insurance quotes and ultimately, cheaper auto insurance.
Plan Before You Shop
You’ll always find the cheapest prices when you know exactly what you want. If you shop without knowing the coverage you need, you’ll be prone to impulse buying – that glass coverage sure could come in handy, and it’s only a few dollars a month, right? If you’ve already decided that you don’t need glass coverage, you won’t be tempted to spend the extra money. In fact, if you specify the coverage you want when you compare auto insurance quotes, you won’t even face the temptation.
Request Detailed Car Insurance Quotes
Many insurance comparison sites allow you to get a “quick quote” by just entering your zip code. The best you’ll do with that kind of quote request is a very general average price paid for insurance in your area. That’s not to say that these comparison sites are useless – they’ll get you in the door to request more detailed quotes for your specific circumstances. Always request quotes that take your personal circumstances into account.
Balance High Deductibles Against High Premiums
One of the most common ways to reduce your car insurance premiums is to increase your deductible – the amount you’ll have to pay out of pocket before your insurance company will pick up the expense. When you compare auto insurance quotes, ask for quotes at different deductible levels to see what effect it has on your premium amount. Saving $30 a month may not be worth it if coming up with $500 all at once would be a problem for you.
Make Sure You’re Comparing Like Deductibles
When you compare auto insurance quotes between companies and policies, always make sure that you’re comparing like deductibles. There’s a very big difference between a $250 deductible per accident and a $250 deductible on the policy. In the first case, you could conceivably end up paying thousands of dollars out of pocket, $250 at a time. You may do better with a $500 deductible overall than with a smaller per accident limit.
Have the Insurance Companies Provide Multiple Quotes Under Different Circumstances
Don’t just compare auto insurance quotes between companies. Ask the insurance company rep to provide quotes for different situations. For example, how much can you save if you take a defensive driving course? How about if you install a car alarm? Consider what changes you can make in your driving and garaging habits that may lower the car insurance quotes you receive and make your decision on what works best for you.
There are many ways to reduce your car insurance premiums, but one of the best ways is to always compare auto insurance quotes before you buy. A detailed quote can help you decide which company and which coverage works best for your circumstances.
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the world’s MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.
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